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首先,家协主席陈国钏先生在致词时强调了家协在提升校园环境的重要,希望与校方通力合作,共同致力于提升学生的学习体验。他 还期待与家长们合作,共同努力为学生们创造更好的学习环境。

接着,本校卓越校长林佩谛博士在致词中感谢抽空出席会议的家长们。校长表示,家协在教育方面一直给予校方大力的支持,同时呼 吁家长们适度地给予孩子们自由,让他们在校园这个小社会中独立成长。最后,校长表达了为学生们打造一个理想学习环境的信心和决心。


2023/2024年度家教协会理事拍下大合照。前排左起为家协财政张绣晴师、家协秘书陈得皓师、家协主席陈国钏先生、家协顾问林佩谛博士。后 排左起为家长代表黄柏桐副教授、家长代表丘邦宁先生、家长代表郑友西先生、家长代表翁美珍博士、家长代表莫婉仪女士、家长代表刘美琼女士。



2024年5月11日,八打灵公中迎来了2024年度第一项运动盛事 —- 越野赛跑。

天刚蒙蒙亮,同学们已经在学生代表的带领下开始进行热身,为接下来的赛跑做足准备。不久后,喇叭声响起,身穿不同运动组别衣服的学生们似奔腾的彩色河流, 向前方冲去。脚步声此起彼伏,演奏着一场振奋人心的交响曲。


中午十二时正,颁奖仪式正式开始。各组别的三十位优胜者排着队,准备领奖,大家脸上有着压抑不住的兴奋与喜悦。奖牌挂上脖子 时的荣光,是他们挥洒汗水的证明。蓝组表现亮眼,是2024年越野赛跑的全场总冠军。


蓝组表现亮眼,是2024年 越野赛跑的全场总冠军。



八 打灵公中于2024322日 顺利举办了课外活动日。当天早上九点,本校家协主席陈国钏先生致词,接着本校卓越校长林佩谛博士在课外活动部郑惠娉副校长的陪同下,赠送纪念品予陈国钏先 生。

为了吸引新生们的眼球,各个社团使出浑身解数,排演了精彩绝伦的表演,供师生们欣赏。为了帮各自的社团宣传,团员们还高喊社 团的口号,以吸引新生们了解该社团的活动内容。团员们在礼堂的里里外外均忙得不可开交。除了招收新生,社团摆卖了一些相关的物品以筹获活动资金。

课外活动日在下午三点接近了尾声,社团成员们忙着整理收拾所有物品。经过此活动,不但让新生们的中学生活有新的体验,其他学 生也能从中收获满满。



左 起家协委员黄柏桐副教授、家协委员丘邦宁先生、叶晓薇副校长、翁美真博士、家协委员莫婉仪女士、家协副主席刘华康先生、家协主席陈国钏先生、卓越校长林佩 谛博士、郑惠娉副校长、刘妍妦副校长、丘秀群副校长、王若琪科长、Pn.Shanbagadevi、林建祥科长、En.Marzuki








在总学长胡诚俊同学带领宣读国家誓言后,身穿中校军服的公中卓越校长林佩谛博士上台致开幕词,并带领全体师生高喊三声 “Merdeka”,正式为此庆典拉开序幕。

本校学生也为爱国月庆典准备了不少精彩舞台表演,有歌舞、话剧、诗歌朗诵等等。最后,全体师生一起合唱两首爱国歌曲《831日》(Tanggal 31) 与《辉煌条纹》(Jalur Gemilang),此次的爱国月庆典在这一刻也划下了圆满的句号。





    捐血是个利人利己的活动。八打灵公中红新月会于2023728日(星期五),于本 校大礼堂举办了一年一度的捐血活动。上午9时,许多公众人士陆陆续续进入校园参加此活动。这项富有意义的活动不仅得到了许多公众人士的积极响应,更获得了本校师生尤其 是中五生的热烈支持。

     本次捐血活动的报名人数多达132人,而成功捐血的人数为86人。捐血者需在捐血前填写报名表格、测量体重并且配合护士进行血液检测。符合条件者方可前往礼堂中央捐血。捐血者在离开前也 获得捐血证书和补充体能的食品。 




2023710日至712日,本次的活动由马来西亚公教中学以及香港佛教叶纪南纪念中学协办了青年梦想深度交流香港和马来西亚互访计划之大马篇。本校30名学生在许慧燕老师  ,江佩雯老师和黄苇娜老师的带领下,一起 迎接了香港的老师和学生的到来。


710日时,在三位老师的带领下到马来西亚新纪元大学学院(New Era College University)参观。在每位老师与学生简单的自我介绍后,该校的学子们带领我们参观陈六使图书馆。陈六使图书馆有着历史悠久的名著以及各位 马华文学作家的作品。接着,郑诗傧博士与黄薇诗博士在视听室里与在座的学生们进行分享,题目分别为《青少年的梦想》和《马来西亚华教的发展》。享用了午餐 后,我们前往吉隆坡旧国家皇宫和独立广厂远观。在与来自香港的学生们交流的同时,老师们也制定了一些任务让学生们完成,比如与自己同姓氏的人合影等等。抵 达了三井购物公园(Lalaport)之后,香港的学生与本校的学生也捉紧机会,互相教导对方本地的语言,并录制了一系列有趣的视频。这些环节结束后,两国的学 生也开始熟络起来,甚至打成一片。


711日时,全体学生在老师们的带领下到适耕庄出游。学生们借此机会到泥泞里种植红树。当地的专业人士也向学生们解释了红树林的重 要性。午餐后,全体学生与老师们一起到雪兰儿皇家山参观以及到当地著名的海边欣赏美景。


712日时,来自香港的学生与老师们到本校进行参观。当天也是本校67周年庆,因此香港的学生跟老师也一起欣赏本校的学生所精心准备的表演。 早茶后,香港的学生们被分配到不同的班体验我国学生的上课情况。同时,本校的学生也借此机会与他们交流。午饭后,香港的学生们在本校学生的带领下参观校 园, 在本校美丽的角落打卡拍照。 接着,全体学生与老师到Dewan Kuliah里一起观看关于本校在课外活动中辉煌的成就跟本校历史的影片。本校校长与香港的老师们一起交换纪念品, 同时双方也发表了一些对本次活动的看法。除此之外,本校的学生除了准备了一些马来西亚的传统游戏,本校也成功邀请了Alpha大学的学生来进行一些团体活动。


这次的交流会为马来西亚和香港的青年构建了坚实的桥梁。短短的几天,不仅丰富了学生见识,也让学生们意识到了团体合作的重要 性。相信香港的老师与学生们也从中加深了对马来西亚风土人情的认识。这让此次的交流会意义非凡!






2023721日,公中师生齐聚一堂,在舞狮团的鸣锣声中,荣休典礼于上午10时拉开序幕。首先,教师代表卡玮妲老师、卓越校长林佩谛博士和家协主席陈国钏先生依次上台致词。随后,林副校长传递蜡烛予新 任课外活动副校长——郑惠娉副校长以进行交接仪式,寓意薪火相传。本校四大机构、各制服团体与学会代表也纷纷赠送纪念品给敬爱的林副校长,以表感 激之情。

林副校长在公中服务已近30年。她借此机会感谢各方对她的信任与支持,也表示在公中的点点滴滴已镌刻于脑海中。她还劝诫同学们刻苦学习之余也要注重品德 修养的发展,并祝愿同学们发挥潜能,勇敢逐梦,前程似锦!

随着红色帷幕拉开,陈招月老师和同学们用心献上数首悦耳动听的曲子,与林副校长共度她在公中的最后时光。压轴出场的课外活动 组教职员呈现的歌舞表演也获得大家热烈的掌声。在此祝林副校长的退休后生活轻松惬意,多姿多彩!






2023712日,公教中学迎来了67周年校庆。“勇于进取·与时偕行·公中67·春华秋实” 是今年的校庆主题。

本校卓越校长林佩谛博士在致词中感谢了学校董事部、家协理事、爱心家长团和校友对本校的支持和贡献,让公中校务得以蓬勃发 展。林校长希望今后大家继续携手同行,共同为学校的现在与未来谱写美好篇章。

 此次校庆,同学们也带来各项精心准备的演出。这包括二十四节令鼓队、文化与舞剧协会、口琴与吉他协会、华乐团、合唱团、弦乐 队、武术团等的表演。

 最后,合唱团为本校献上了感动人心的生日歌。同时,嘉宾们上台进行切蛋糕仪式,并拍下大合照。仪式结束前,嘉宾们受邀至礼堂 外观看舞狮表演。早上十点左右,公教中学67周年校庆圆满落幕。


家协副主席刘华康先生、前校长罗彩洁女士、前校长王文坂先生、家协主席陈国钏先生、前校长李金丽女士、前校长李金田先生、副董事长拿督郭智强、校长林佩谛 博士、陈顺南修士、校友会副会长梁孙健先生,拿督林鸿泰、拿督叶佶融
林建祥科长、家协委员郑友西先生、家协委员莫婉仪女士、翁美真博士、叶晓薇副校长、刘妍妦副校长、丘秀群副校长、林秫骐副校长、王若琪科长、萧绮霞科长、 家协委员丘邦宁先生



2022年大马教育文凭(SPM)终于放榜了!202368日,这天是寒窗苦读的 考生们翘首期盼的大日子。我国副教育部长林慧英莅临本校,让本校蓬荜生辉,更让师生及家长们雀跃。林副部长在致词时恭贺本校取得佳绩, 大赞考生You are the best时迎来满堂喝彩。紧接 着由副教育部长林慧英和本校卓越校长林佩谛博士颁发成绩给20位考获佳绩的考生。2022年有579位考生,有219位考生考获九科优等(A)的优异成绩,占总考生 人数的37.82%。成绩放榜,有人欢喜 有人愁。无论得意或失意,未来可期。愿公中学子不负青春,砥砺前行!

大合照——见证公中莘莘学子的硕 果!





 本校卓越校长林佩谛博士在致辞时,赞赏家协理事与家长们的支持和付出,配合教师们的谆谆 善诱,才能培养出品学兼优的人才。此外,林校长也有信心与大家携手同行,带领公教中学再攀高峰,并为师生打造教学乐园。


2023/2024的家协理事名单出炉了,陈国钏先生将再次担任新一届的家协主席,刘华康先生获选为家协副主席。大约下午四点半,学校行政人员 及新一届家协理事拍了大合照后,2023年度的家协大会圆满结束。

2023/ 2024 的家协成员






随着醒狮的敲锣打鼓和制服团体庄重的列队下,王老师与嘉宾们一同步入礼堂,为荣休仪式拉开了序幕。本校卓越校长林佩谛博士在 致词中,由衷感谢王老师多年来的辛勤劳苦,作为校方代表向她赠礼言谢。公中家协代表与学生代表也纷纷献上各自的心意。


名曲《我只在乎你》由本校铜乐队奏曲抒意,这也是王老师所属意的歌曲,几名学生也特别组乐团为典礼表演助兴。随后,王老师致 词向大家言表自己多年来在教育生涯中,所经历的人事物与感想。








大约早上十点,本校家教协主席陈国钏先生为这振奋人心的时刻致词。本校卓越校长林佩谛博士也在课外活动部林秫骐副校长的陪同 下与陈国钏先生一同拉开了招生日的序幕!

为了吸引新生们的青睐,各个社团费尽心思安排了无数精彩绝伦的表演,供台下的观众欣赏。不论是来自音乐团体余耳缭绕的音乐、 还是武术、跆拳道的十八般武艺,台上的每一分钟无一不向观众展现了团员们超群的技艺与演出的用心。

各社团的口号声此起彼落,响彻整个校园。学生们被各口号声吸引到各团体的柜台进一步了解他们的活动内容。学校礼堂内外可谓是 人声鼎沸,团员们竭力为自己热爱的社团忙得不可开交,招收新会员之余,还摆卖相关物品,为社团增加活动经费。这久违的热闹气氛于下午3时许逐渐到了尾声,经过今天的活动,相信大家收获满满,期望来年会更好



    教诲如春风,师恩似海深。2023 3 27日,全校师生共聚一堂为我校德高望重的谢壁捃老师举行荣休仪式。全校师生对谢老师的荣休感到开心,同时也为谢老师必须放下教 鞭挥别杏坛而感到万般不舍。

    仪式由林佩谛校长的致词拉开序幕。林校长赞美谢老师是一位任劳任怨且尽忠职守的好老师,并感谢谢老师为公中多年的付出。为了表达感恩之情及献上最诚挚的祝 福,校方,家教协会以及老师们都纷纷献上纪念品。场面温馨。

    谢壁捃老师在发表退休感言时除了感谢校方给予的肯定,同事及学生们的关爱,也不忘为同道及同学们加油打气,希望大家奋发向上,努力向前进。谢老师简短励志 的几句话,振奋人心,赢得了无数的掌声。







毕业典礼在应届毕业生、家长和一众嘉宾步入礼堂后正式拉开序幕。唱完国歌、州歌后,本校卓越校长林佩谛博士致词。林校长在致 词中祝贺应届毕业生的同时,希望同学们要感恩及珍惜这暌违了两年的毕业典礼。校友会副会长梁孙建先生则在致词中对同学们为学业努力给予肯定与赞赏,并引用 了《阿甘正传》中的经典台词“人生就像一盒巧克力,我们永远不知道下一块是什么味道。”来激励同学们开创自己的未来。今日公中的 学生以公中为荣,他日公中必以他们为傲。


校方颁发毕业证书前,中五毕业生代表范皞旸同学和李梓玚同学及中六毕业生代表蔡熹晨同学轮流代表中五及中六毕业生发表毕业感 言。在颁发毕业证书环节后,校方赠予每位毕业生一枚刻有 “凌云壮志” 字样的毕业徽章,冀望同学们在往后的日子各自精彩,未来在顶峰相见。现场还播放了各班中五毕业生精心制作的毕业短片及自创毕业歌曲《追光的我们》。悦耳的 旋律响起,学生们纷纷畅怀欢唱,用歌声来挥别这难忘的五年,为这五年的中学生涯画下圆满的句点,也期许奔向自由璀璨的未来!





    落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。离别总是伤感的,本校于2023126日为古纳瑟加兰老师举行了荣休仪式,这代表古纳老师长达38年的教育生涯正式告一段落。仪式在上午10时开始,古纳老师在嘉宾们的陪同下步入礼堂。珊蒂老师代表全体教师致辞时称赞古纳老师深受学生爱戴,同时为学校有不容忽视的 贡献。古纳老师乐于与学生分享个人毕生的知识及人生经验。在公中18年的教学生涯里,他也积极筹备及支持学校的各项活动。


紧接着是表演环节,本校中三及中四学生、弦乐队、淡米尔学会等纷纷献上最优质的表演内容,大伙儿在悠扬的歌声及演奏曲中与古 纳老师度过他在公中最后的时光。在中午12时,古纳老师在大家的声声祝福与依依不舍中离开校园。师恩难忘刻骨铭心,千言万语更是难表感激之情。古纳老师,祝愿您退休以 后的日子一帆风顺,幸福美满!




各族的文化与节日已成为了马来西亚最大的特色。为了让同学们能更深入地了解我国的多元文化,八打灵公教中学于2023116日举办了印度丰收节“Pesta Ponggal”庆典。上午730分,全体师生在操场聚集,讲台旁摆放着色彩鲜艳的印度米绘,以及内含米饭和糖的陶罐,陶罐上方还立了一束甘蔗,这让师生们感 觉非常新奇。在卓越校长林佩谛博士致开幕词后,前线行政人员一同点亮蜡烛,并且把牛奶倒入内含米饭和糖的陶罐,熬煮成香甜浓稠的米粥,用以供奉神明祈求护 佑。与此同时,几位同学身穿印度传统服装,随着印度音乐的节奏响起,跳起印度传统舞蹈。这时,台下传来师生们如雷的欢呼声以及接连不断的掌声。最后,卓越 校长林佩谛博士以淡米尔语“Ponggal Dhinam Naal Vaaltukkal”,蕴意祝全体印裔师生节日快乐,为庆典献上完美的句号。







            公中大厅前精心布置的大拱门、教室前一盏盏红灯笼、随处可见的春联及梅花,这些新春饰品无一不体现吾校对于赓续中华文化传统 的热衷愿望。由华文学会主办的《年年好市》新春游艺会,集齐了不同学会团体的档口,这市集可说是门庭若市,吸引了不少老师和学生来光顾。春市将师生聚在一 起,代表的是公中对阖家团圆的强烈盼望。


            此次的春晖新春推介礼荣幸邀得各方嘉宾莅临,圣母昆仲会代表王喜添修士、陈顺南修士、董事长丹斯里拿督斯里林福山太平局绅、 雪州教育厅华文科助理局长马惜群督学、马来西亚书艺总会会长黄瑞庆先生、家协主席陈国钏先生、校友会主席拿督管保达、马来西亚书艺总会评审主任黄幼鲸先生 等等大驾光临。本校卓越校长林佩谛博士与嘉宾们一同将爆竹点燃,而后醒狮双双穿过鞭炮,为今日盛典拉开序幕。


            世人都晓春节好,一年到头相聚闹。2023113日,公中超过2500位师生于这一天共同完成千人挥春的创举,把祝福寄托到红色正丹纸上,藉此抒发对新一年美好生活的祝愿。紧接着,秉承着中华文 化的二十四节令鼓、古筝奏曲、扯铃以及改编式秧歌舞为现场氛围增添了不少华夏民族荣誉感。庆典最后,由班级合唱团领唱大马经典新年歌大串烧,沸腾全场的千 人大合唱为这喜庆的日子画上了圆满的句号。








活动的开幕先由副董事长拿督郭智强致词欢迎嘉宾们的到来。他表示,虽然疫情笼罩,但各造对于成就百年树人的无私付出,以及在 课外活动方面的杰出表现,带领公中跨越了重重难关。本校卓越校长林佩谛博士亦在致词中感恩大家对公中的付出,冀望藉此汇聚大家的向心力,让八打灵公教华中 再攀高峰。

紧接着,各项表演陆续登场。首先本校二十四节令鼓的鼓声响彻云霄,鼓与鼓手们铿 锵有力的击鼓声和呐喊声将现场氛围拉到了最高点。口琴与吉他乐团、华乐、铜乐队及弦乐队,各别为盛典演奏了扣人心弦的经典曲目,包括《丰收 锣鼓》、《晴天》与《我只在乎你》等。扯铃队、文化与歌舞协会、啦啦队和武术团也分自献上了精彩绝伦的表演。龙狮团使用荧 光颜料,创意结合醒狮和祥龙呈现《鱼跃龙门》,让观众为之眼前一亮,掌声和欢呼声不绝于耳。

一年一度的感恩夜不止展现学生们在2022年的努力成果,也意味着展望2023年有个美好的开始。预祝公中在新的一年,前 景光明、齐心协力、再创辉煌!


雪隆广东会馆文教组 致送书籍于八打灵公教中学

雪隆广东会馆文教组委员于2022119日代马广联会致送中华古典文学名著致八打灵公教中学。本校 图书馆负责老师 Miss Stephanie 在接收书籍后,即安排本组委员到该校图书馆参观并进行导览 和与本校校校长林佩谛博士及华文科主任蔡训玮老师进行交流。林校长与蔡老师对于获赠书籍都表示非常欢喜和感恩,希望可以与雪隆广东会馆在文化与教育两方面 有更多的深度合作。


Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan 2022  颁奖典礼

历经两年的疫情后,我校终于在2022924日,于吴酉俊修士礼堂,顺利举办一场隆重的颁奖典礼。上午9时,在全体出席者高唱国歌与州歌后,本校校长林佩谛博士与家协主席陈国钏先生上台致开幕词。林校长在致辞中提及公中在大马教 育文凭(SPM)和大马高等教育文凭(STPM)中,再获佳绩。在大马教育文凭中,我校仍然保持100%的及格率,平均积分(GPS)为1.96。在561名考生中,考获全A的考生为128人,占总考生人数的22.82%。在大马高等教育文凭中,我校创下100%的及格率,平均积分(GPS)为3.11。在47名考生中,考获全A的考生为6人,占据总考生人数的12.77%。紧接着,就到了颁奖环节。获奖者在司仪的公布下,陆续上台领奖。最后,在紧凑的音乐伴奏下,司仪宣布了最佳男女运动员和模 范生的得奖者,现场欢呼声此起彼伏。上午11时,大家高唱校歌后,大会正式落幕。



    暌违两年的2022八打灵县主区即席演讲比赛终 于以 实体的方式回归。这场由县教育厅主催,八打灵主区县20所国民中 学华文主任,联合八打灵公教国民型华文中学承办的比赛,已于2022930日,在八打灵公教华文中学讲堂圆满成功举。本次比赛共获得23位来自国中/国民型中学的支持与参与。本 次即席演讲比赛的目的主要是为了培养学生对演讲的兴趣,发掘学生的演讲潜能与培养演说信心,同时鼓励学生使用标准华语,及促进各校师生的 交流与联系。


 本 次比赛有幸邀请经验丰富的评委前来担任本次评审,其中包括了诗人刘振业(内容与姿态表情),陈晓伟(内容与姿态表情)、丘淑霖女士(语音和语调)及萧慧芳 女士(语音和语调)。冠军以及亚军将代表 八打灵主区参加1020日在巴生中华华中举行的2022 年雪兰莪州中学华语即席演讲比 赛。






PPD Petaling Utama telah menganjurkan Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan dan Apresiasi Kurikulum 2022 (PUnCAK 2022) pada 23 Ogos 2022. Majlis PUnCAK merupakan program yang julung kali diadakan oleh Sektor Pembelajaran PPD Petaling Utama dengan tujuan memberi penghargaan dan pengiktirafan kepada semua sekolah di Petaling Utama yang menunjukkan pencapaian cemerlang. SMJK Katholik telah berjaya mendapat 17 anugerah dalam Majlis PUnCAK 2022, antaranya termasuk Anugerah PNGK Terbaik STPM, Anugerah Pencapaian 100% Lulus STPM, Anugerah Pencapaian MUET Terbaik, Anugerah Gred Purata Sekolah Terbaik SPM, Anugerah Kelulusan 100% Dalam SPM, Anugerah Gred Purata Mata Pelajaran Terbaik Mata Pelajaran Biologi, Kimia, Matematik, Matematik Tambahan, Pendidikan Islam. Pengiktirafan seperti ini dapat meningkatkan motivasi warga pendidik agar berusaha dengan lebih giat lagi bagi mencapai kecemerlangan dalam segala bidang khususnya kurikulum ke arah kemenjadian murid.



本校于2022811日,本次庆典于吴酉俊修士礼堂,举行国庆庆典。早上7时半,庆典开始时,先由公中铜乐队以气势磅礴的音乐率先入场,再由少年军团、男童军团、女童军团、红新月会、学生消拯团举着 国旗操步入场。另外,有14位旗手高举各州州旗步入会场,热闹且不失庄重的氛围顿时让全场安静下来,全神贯注地对列队行注目礼。

    接着,总学长范皞旸同学带领宣读国家誓言后,公中卓越校长林佩谛博士上台致辞、鸣锣并且高呼三声“MERDEKA ”,本次庆典终于正式开幕!当然,表演是必不可少的环节。本校三位学生分别代表不同种族朗诵诗歌,现场顿时喝彩 声不断。此外,本校口琴与吉他乐团、武术团、合唱团以及文化与舞蹈协会表演,同样获得大家的欢呼和掌声。当中二的梁熒栛同学上台献唱爱国歌曲,瞬间让现场 气氛上升到沸点!

    此次庆典的点睛之处在于校方鼓励学生穿着传统服装到校一起欢庆国庆,最后,穿着传统服装的学生们在典礼结束前到台上拍上一张 大合照。愿马来西亚此后更繁荣昌盛,国泰民安


    “勇于进取,与时协进,公中66,春华秋实以此为主题的公教中学66周年与教师节庆典在同学们如雷贯耳的掌声和经久不息的喝彩声中拉开了序幕。开幕致辞由吾校林佩谛校长为始,接着大会有请到场 的家教协会主席陈国钏先生、本校副董事长拿督郭志强先生以及圣母昆仲会代表王喜添修士上台发表言辞。在那一句句豪言壮语中,大家都不禁感叹起了疫情带给学 校的诸多改变,同时也珍惜、庆幸着公教中学在变幻莫测的时代中仍然应付自如。这一切皆离不开吾校师生与各方的汗水与配合,但愿公中的辉煌不断,成就璀璨的 明天。

     无可厚非,教师是人类灵魂的工程师,教师节则是为了让天下人一同沉心恩惜老师倾心点燃一盏盏幼苗的用心良苦。在阿里老师的带领下,公中的教师们都起立宣 誓,愿成就今年的教师节主题,即教师是和谐校园的支柱,并唱了教师节主题曲《我们是教师》

    “这就是公教中学。林佩谛校长在二十四节令鼓响彻云霄的鼓声中感慨道,鼓手、鼓与鼓棒三体合并的那横扫千秋的气势为典礼的表演环节掀开华丽的一 幕。不仅如此,公教远近闻名的铜乐队和弦乐队的演出亦是动人心弦,一首好莱坞著名的《欢迎》,以及一曲埃及王子的《心存信念》When You Believe,绕梁三日,实属人间难得几回闻!演出最终结束于醒狮团翩翩起舞的舞龙,龙身的旋转,舞者的灵动,宛如真龙下凡,让人欲罢不 能。

     公教中学66周年庆典以总巡查员范皞旸同学代表全体学生为敬爱的老师们送上礼物,此礼在家协主席陈国钏的陪同下由林佩谛校长接领,共同欢 庆这疫后的盛节!


古 人谓十年窗下无人问,一举成名天下知。

           我校在政府考试中传递佳音,于今日放榜的大马教育文凭(SPM)成绩高奏凯歌。考生表现特出,除考获100%及格率,平均积分(GPS)乃 1.97。学生个人成绩方面也特出,其中有5位考生横扫12科特优成绩(12A+)。 本校考生共有 561名,考获10A+的有 2 名, 9A+的有 4 名, 8A+的有 11 名,10A 的有 96 名,9A 的有64 名,8A 的有 45 名,7A 的有 37 名,6A 的有 21 名,5A 的有 23名。该校考获 9A 以上的考生有 201名,占总考生 之 35.83%。

            校长林佩谛在致词中表示,今年我们打了一场漂亮的仗,因为考生们的努力学习,认真配合,积极进取,我们取得了100%的及格率,GPS 1.97验收自己播种的丰硕果子。作为首批KSSM新课程的考生,他们在中四和中五时期更遭新冠疫情冲击,不能在校上实体课。今日这个成绩安慰了老师与同 学们,恭喜大家的努力付出是值得的,印证了一分耕耘一分收获,今天的成绩也告诉我们有志者事竟成是亘古不变的道理。校长也借这机会向老师致谢敬礼,也要感 谢董事会,家协理事、校友以及家长们对学校的支持与配合。只要目标明确,坚持到底,我们一定成功,因为公中大家庭是一个团队。祝福所有考生们都能在未来发 光发热,也希望学弟妹们能再创佳绩,为自己、为公中争光。





比赛工委会主席林佩谛卓越校表示辩论是训练辩证思维最快捷的方式。拥有辩证的思维能,不但能分辨真伪,真理还可越辩越明,进而提出真知灼见,不沦落为鹦鹉学 舌的窘境。她鼓励同学们大力参与辩论活动,不让自己成为高科技产品的奴隶,反而应该善用科技获取新信息,并以批判性的思维去看待课题。林校长 也不忘感谢雪兰莪暨吉隆坡留台同学会、马来西亚宗乡青联合总会雪州分会以及无名氏赞助此赛会评委经费及奖杯。

雪州教育厅华文科助理局长马惜群督学在闭幕礼指出辩论,并不是为了比赛而存在的。在纷繁复杂的社会中,人们的认识有正确、错 误;科学研究的道路上有真理、谬误;激烈的商业竞争中有利害得失等等,这时就需要用智慧之力,语言之利,批驳假的、恶的、丑的,维护真的、善的、美的东 西。故辩论的要义在道,不在输赢。辩论不仅是形式,辩论赛背后更要继续引导我们每个人的思考。这次辩论的辩题“我国应该全面禁止2005年后出生的国人吸烟” 本身也与我们的健康及生活相关,具有很强的现实意义。




亚军- 雪兰莪巴生光华国民型华文中学(郭/吴雨/杨依/林佳/柯依琳)

季军- 雪兰莪加影育华国民型华文中学(陈星/张铭/林颖//黄子瑜)





    由八打灵主区县教育厅、八打灵主区各校华文组和八打灵公教国民型华文中学为主办单位,比赛在八打灵公教中学优酷频道上拉开序幕。比赛工委会主席兼八打灵主 区科委会主席林佩谛校长表示赛事以培养学生朗诵诗歌的乐趣、提升技巧与水平为主旨。来自八打灵公教中学的谭歆輮和林敬轩分别获得了2022年八打灵主区线上诗歌朗诵比赛初中组以及高中组的冠军。冠亚军的学生将代表八打灵主区出征2022 5 27雪 兰莪州中学华 语诗歌朗诵在线赛。
    大会有幸邀请经验丰富的评委前来担任本次评审,其中包括了诗人吕育陶(表达技巧与选材),伍秀玲女士(表达技巧与选材)、李璘女士(语音)及姝贤女士(语 调)。大会感谢本次比赛获得了来自八打灵发展华小工委会的资金赞助和艺青出版社的奖杯赞助。





光阴如梭,转眼间,六年的中 学生涯就要画上句号。为了庆祝中六生们的毕业,我校于2022429日举办第37届大学先修班毕业典礼。

     旭日东升,行政人员、教师与学生于745分入席。唱完国歌、州歌及校歌后,本校校长林佩谛博士在致辞中肯定了中六同学的努力和坚持,并为他们颁发毕业证书。接下来, 中六毕业生代表——关伊芹上台致辞,表达了全体中六生对校方及教师们的感 激与不舍之情。在典礼拉下帷幕前,毕业歌曲的旋律缓缓响起。当中的每一段歌词,无不激起大家对校园生活中所遇见的人事物,深深的怀恋和感恩。





卓越校长林佩谛博士在致词时感谢辛勤耕耘的中五同学及默默付出的老师们,让线上毕业典礼顺利进行,也让同学们的中学生涯留下美好的回忆。她提到新冠肺炎疫情虽然影响了我们的生活,带来许多不便,但是从另一个角度,它也让我们从中成长了不少,让我们更懂得珍惜与家 人朋友的感情,也更注意身体的健康。林校长希望同学们继续保持积极乐观的心态,为SPM做最后的冲刺,同时心怀感恩、珍惜和母校的缘分。

校友会主席拿督管保达为毕业典礼致开幕词时表示非常感谢公中老师们多年来的付出,成功培育了一批又一批优秀的毕业生,同时也 恭喜毕业生顺利毕业,并欢迎毕业生们加入公中校友会。

总学长傅瑀绚和蔡佳恩同学也代表毕业生致毕业感言,并献上对学校师长的感恩之情、对校园生活的无限怀念和疫情所带来的种种改 变和成长。

林校长在校友会主席的陪同下颁发证书给各班毕业生代表,傅瑀绚也代表毕业生赠送纪念品给校方。校友会主席在林校长的陪同下也 颁发了纪念品给毕业生代表傅瑀绚。



 文: 陈招月师


为 了配合壬寅年的到来,八打灵公教国民型华文中学于211日 举办壬寅年春晖推介礼。早上730分,推 介礼正式拉开序幕。节目一开始是公中醒狮团迎宾与剥柑与柚子仪式。校长致欢迎辞与董事长致开幕词后,大会邀请丹斯里林福山太平局绅和曾昭山修士点燃爆竹以 完成开幕仪式。接着,在司仪的带领下,嘉宾们移步到公教历史广场,观赏华文学会书艺组现场挥毫及参观12生肖文化展。最后大家在绿苑拍照留念。



为了配合壬寅 年的到来,八打灵公教国民型华文中学华文学会于211日,早上9时在D 楼和平轩举办壬寅年新春挥春比赛。大会邀请董事长揭开此项比赛的赛题。本次比赛的赛题为春潮传喜讯,虎岁报佳音虎跃龙腾生紫气,风调雨顺兆丰年挥 春比赛也邀请各族老师前来习写字,体验中华传统之美。现场也设有书法老师示范写字与学生示范吹梅。比赛于1010分圆满结束,林佩谛校长颁发的水果福袋给评委老师以及参与习写书法的老师。


WOOHOO叩门,五福临 门》 线上新春晚会

为了配合壬寅年的到来,八打灵公教国民型华文中学华文学会于213日,晚上8时正,通过华文学会脸书直播,举办WOOHOO叩门,五福临门》 线上新春晚会。这项活动获得校内各表演团体的支持,其中包括了武术团的太极、舞狮表演、华乐团的华乐演奏、舞剧学会的两支舞蹈表演。除此之 外,晚会也穿插新春常识比赛,师生们的新春祝贺视频。这场晚会获得约280位观众前来观赏,并在910圆 满结束。

                                    text : Pn.Chua HW

                                             来源: 星洲日报

click for large image

click for large image

Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan (MAT) PIBG 2021 /2022
      2021 年度家教协会线上会员大会

        鉴于新冠肺炎疫情依然严峻和遵守教育部的标准作业程序,公中家教协会于2021年10月9日,上午10时30分,首次通过谷歌视频通信服务(Google Meet)在线上召开常年会员大会,家长及教师都踊跃出席。
        八月份才正式走马上任的林佩谛校长在致词中表示疫情是阻力亦是动力,教师们都主动学习各种线上教学技能,学生亦积极适应及用心学习。公中师生都秉持学不可 以已的精神,所以在学术及课外活动上皆有优异的表现。此外,林校长感激董事部和家协的全力支持,让校方顺利增添了防疫设备,也提升了各硬体设施,为学生打 造舒适及安全的学习环境。
        家教协会主席韩川畴先生在他的献词中除了感谢家长们对家协无条件的支持外,也由衷感激老师们用心进行线上教学,让学生停课不停学。韩主席呼吁家长继续与学 校并肩作战,因为家长的鼎力支持是推动公中前进的重要力量。随后,家长们针对财务报告踊跃提问也提供了宝贵的意见,而韩主席也在一一回应家长们的提问后, 正式宣布解散2020/2021年度家协理事会。
                                           报导:王微瑄5S1                                              审查:郑佩梅师 

    Kursus Kepimpinan AJK Tertinggi     Badan Gerko

Kursus Kepimpinan AJK Tertinggi Badan beruniform, Kelab dan Persatuan 2021 Anjuran Unit Kokurikulum SMJK Katholik diadakan pada 25 September 2021   menggunakkan aplikasi *kumonspace* .
4 AJK tertinggi kelab/persatuan, sukan/permainan dan unit beruniform wajib log masuk dengan menggunakan *email moe*. seramai 15 guru pembimbing dan 252 pelajar menghadiri kursus ini.


Perhimpunan Rasmi secara dalam talian

Tarikh: 20.09.2021
Masa: 1.15 pm - 1.45 pm


Majlis Persaraan Pn Chua Ling Ling

Tarikh: 03.09.2021

Selamat Bersara Pn.Chua

国庆日倒数庆 典

Sambutan Ambang Merdeka Peringkat SMJK Katholik bagi Tahun 2021 bersempena dengan Sambutan Kemerdekaan ke-64 telah bersiaran secara langsung melalui saluran “Youtube Live” pada 30 Ogos 2021 (8.00 – 9.00 pagi) bagi menyemarakkan lagi semangat patriotik dalam kalangan warga sekolah. Yang Berusaha Cik Margaret Lim Pei Tee, Pengetua SMJK Katholik, telah menyampaikan bingkasan kata sekaligus menyempurnakan Upacara Pelancaran Ambang Merdeka bagi tahun 2021. Terdapat persembahan menarik  iaitu Deklamasi Sajak, Video “Erti Kemerdekaan” dan nyanyian lagu patriotik daripada Kelab Koir Sekolah yang memeriahkan lagi sambutan. Terdapat 3 pertandingan yang dijalankan iaitu Pertandingan Melukis Poster, Pertandingan Deklamasi Sajak dan Kuiz Kemerdekaan. Pertandingan dan kuiz ini adalah bertujuan memupuk semangat cinta akan tanah air, mengasah serta menonjolkan bakat yang melahirkan pelajar yang kreatif dan inovatif serta diharap dapat mengeratkan silaturahim dalam kalangan murid dan juga guru yang terlibat.



由于受到冠病疫情的影响,今年我校的国庆日倒数庆典于8月30日首次通过优管(YOUTUBE LIVE) 频道进行线上直播,让全校师生在这美丽的早晨共同欢庆简单隆重且富有意义的庆典。
今年国庆日主题是“关怀马来西亚“(Malaysia Prihatin)。本校林佩谛校长在致词时表示身为国家的一份子,在面对冠病疫情时,要守望相助,充分展现关怀、毅力和耐性,共克时艰,战胜疫情,并且 爱我们的祖国马来西亚。随后是一系列具有特色且精彩的呈献,当中有来自1A4的Akiko Leong 同学独朗爱国诗歌、播放爱国视频“Erti Kemerdekaan”、中六生以我国特点制作的"Fun Facts" 视频和学校合唱团带来的爱国歌曲。同学们的呈献激起了大家心中爱国的崇高情操。

祝愿马来西亚明 天会更好,


Text: Pn .Siti Nor Fariza
dan Pn.Tee Pei Moy


Mesyuarat Agung PIBG Sesi 2021/2022


Tanggal 9 Oktober 2021 menjadi tarikh keramat buat warga SMJK Katholik apabila buat pertama kalinya Mesyuarat Agung PIBG sesi 2021/2022 telah diadakan secara dalam talian.  Pemilihan platform dalam talian dibuat lantaran penularan wabak COVID-19 yang masih belum reda ditambah pula dengan sekatan pergerakan yang dilaksanakan oleh pihak kerajaan.  Namun demikian, platform yang berbeza bukan alasan mesyuarat ini tidak dapat dijalankan dengan lancar.


Mesyuarat ini bermula tepat pada pukul  10.30 pagi dengan ucapan alu-aluan oleh Pengetua SMJK Katholik, Cik Margaret Lim Pei Tee.  Dalam ucapannya, beliau merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada pihak PIBG yang memberikan sokongan yang tidak berbelah bahagi terhadap semua aktiviti sekolah yang dirancang agar dapat dijalankan dengan jayanya. Selepas itu, Encik Han Chuan Chour juga berterima kasih kepada ibu bapa yang sering memberikan sokongan kepada PIBG. Beliau juga bersyukur kerana guru-guru menjalankan tanggungjawab untuk mengajar secara dalam talian dengan bersungguh-sungguh.


Mesyuarat kemudiannya diteruskan dengan pelantikan AJK PIBG sesi 2021/2022. Memandangkan hanya seorang calon yang dicadangkan untuk memegang jawatan Yang Dipertua dan Naib Yang Dipertua, maka kedua-dua calon tersebut menang tanpa bertanding. Encik Casey Tan Kok Chaon telah dilantik sebagai Yang Dipertua PIBG sesi 2021/2022. Barisan ahli jawatankuasa yang lain turut diperkenalkan semasa mesyuarat tersebut.  Dalam ucapannya, Encik Casey Tan Kok Chaon berterima kasih kepada semua pihak atas pelantikannya dan berharap agar ahli jawatankuasa PIBG yang baharu dapat berganding bahu bagai aur dengan tebing untuk meneruskan kecemerlangan legasi terdahulu. 

Mesyuarat ini berakhir tepat pada pukul 1.00 tengah hari

In conjunction with our 65th Anniversary, we are organizing a donation drive to give support to our beloved school. Do show your love and support by donating in kind or just by sharing the word around with your friends and schoolmates. Let us come together to lend a helping hand, to continue the CHS legacy by creating a well- organized and comfortable learning environment for the future generation.
适逢母校65周年庆,我们无以回报母校昔日的栽培,遂联合董事部推动回馈母校活动,有钱出钱,有力出力,同心协力壮大母校,培育幼 苗。愿公教各方校友一呼百应,协助母校再写光辉篇章。

Sepanjang cuti sekolah hingga sekarang,

(A) atas kerjasama Lembaga Pengelola Sekolah dan pihak pengurusan sekolah, beberapa tempat di kawasan sekolah telah dinaiktaraf. Tempat-tempat tersebut termasuklah
1. Tempat istirehat /kantin guru
2. Koridor sepanjang tingkat bawah Blok A
3. Bumbung tangga turun ke kantin
4. Kantin pelajar
5. Pejabat sekolah

(B) Atas kerjasama Lembaga Pengelola Sekolah dan pihak pengurusan sekolah, sekolah berjaya memasang
1. Sistem siar raya seluruh sekolah
2. 8 unit basin cuci tangan


(C) Atas usaha pihak pengurusansekolah berjaya mendapat
1. Pelitup muka untuk kegunaan guru dan pelajar
2. Hand wash
3. Sanitizer
4. Mesin penyembur sanitizer

(D) Atas kerjasama Pihak pengurusan dan Unit Bimbingan dan Kaunseling
1. Mendirikan Sudut Minda Sihat
2. Tempat cuci tangan di depan Bilik Gerakan

 Ada ibubapa yg ingin derma web cam dan mic utk pelajar yg ada masalah kewangan,  tetapi hingga sekarang tiada respon drp pelajar2 dlm senarai ini. Minta jasa baik ibubapa utk menambah kelengkapan mic dan kamera supaya PdPR lebih sempurna.
Terima kasih


No akaun:  1293016327
Nama bank: UOB Bank
Tempoh Kutipan : 24/05/2021 - 30/06/2021

Sumbangan ICT sebanyak RM20 bertujuan menyelenggara sistem ICT di dalam setiap bilik darjah dan lain-lain perbelanjaan penyelenggaraan ICT di sekolah.

Sumbangan keselamatan RM20 pula bertujuan mengupah seorang pengawal keselamatan tambahan, menyelenggara CCTV, mengupah RELA untuk majlis-majlis sekolah dan lain-lain perbelanjaan keselamatan di sekolah.

Kutipan bayaran melalui cara perbankan internet (online banking) sahaja.

Bayaran melalui cek / cash deposit / IBG melalui ATM dan Kaunter Bank tidak dibenarkan.

Pastikan nama anak murid dan no I/C adalah betul.

Untuk mengelakkan kegagalan transaction,
sila pastikan Benefiaciary ID / ID checking // Recipient ID validation adalah 'Not required'

Sila bayar mengikut pakej yang ditetapkan. Satu transaction untuk satu pelajar sahaja.
Hantar transaction slip dan borang jawapan yang lengkap kepada guru tingkatan.

Download : Surat kutipan PIBG

JuruSchool Mobile App (Parents) 📱
Selain daripada digunakkan untuk memesan makanan,  pihak sekolah turut akan menggunakan JuruSchool Mobile App untuk membuat pengumuman.

Untuk ibu bapa/penjaga yang belum memuat turun dan log in ke JuruSchool App ini, sila download dan log in ke App ini secepat mungkin agar tidak ketinggalan dalam menerima maklumat daripada sekolah.

Nombor telefon bimbit digunakan untuk log in ke dalam App ini. Hanya nombor telefon bimbit ibu/bapa/penjaga sahaja boleh digunakan untuk log in ke App ini.

Jika kedua-dua ibu bapa tidak dapat log in ke App, sila hubungi Guru Tingkatan untuk tindakan selanjutnya.

Preorder Food in JuruSchool App

     Untuk sesi persekolahan yang baharu (2021), pihak kantin sekolah akan menggunakan JuruSchool Mobile App untuk menerima pesanan makanan.

    Ibu bapa boleh memesan makanan mengikut pakej mingguan untuk anak (dari Isnin hingga Jumaat).  Bayaran adalah melalui e-wallet JuruSchool sebelum tarikh akhir pesanan setiap minggu.

    Tindakan ibu bapa:
Download JuruSchool Mobile App → memilih makanan → membuat bayaran

    Tindakan murid (yang ada membuat pesanan): Menerima makanan pada waktu rehat

Ibu bapa boleh merujuk video/ slaid yang disertakan bersama untuk download JuruSchool Mobile App.

video :  
1)  download JuruSchool Mobile App
2)  first time login
3)  second time login

PDF: JuruSchool Mobile App

Click the link


                 PELAN KEDUDUKAN BILIK
          MULAI 05 APRIL 2021


           Lapor diri pada 22/07/2021                         Penyerahan tugas  di PPD


Pn. Low Lai Khun



Tarikh : 9 April 2021 (Jumaat )
Masa: 8.45am – 11.40am
Tempat: Dewan Kuliah


日期 : 2021 4 9 日(星期五)全国各校线上同步进行
: 8.45am -11.40am
地点 : Dewan Kuliah公中讲堂


高年组 初中组
刘洁莹 LAU JAY YING     4K3
周哲如 CHEW ZHE RU    4S4
关钰柔 KUAN YEW ROU                1A1
陈瑜恩 CHIN YIU EN                       1A1
高敏媛 KOW MIN YUAN               3A4






1)  Ucapan***
- YDP PIBG En Han Chuan Chour
PK Pentadbiran Pn.Lau Yan Hong  
      -  PK KOKO Pn. Lim Sook Fun

2) Pengenalan 3 badan kokurikulum ***
        -   BADAN BERUNIFORM        -   KELAB & PERSATUAN               -   SUKAN PERMAINAN

3) Taklimat PK Kokurikulum***
     - video             - pdf

Garis Panduan Pengisian Borang Pendaftaran Kokurikulum atas talian 2021 ***

*** klik untuk menonton  video / pdf

Pautan (link) Pendaftaran Kokurikulum 2021 ***
a)  Tingkatan 1   b) Tingkatan 2   c) Tingkatan 3 d) Tingkatan 4 e) Tingkatan 5

klik untuk Borang Pendaftaran

bersama dengan pegawai dari JPS, KPPD
15 JULY 2020




1st Day School Reopening with Tuan PPD Puan Hajah Marpuaton and IPDPJ Tuan Nik Ezanee


SPM 成绩放榜
Pengumuman keputusan SPM


家协主席韩川畴先生和几名家协成员拨冗出席了当天的仪式,以示对学生的支持和鼓励。刘妍妦副校长在致词中向同学们贺喜,并说明本校今年的及格率100%所有的考生都获得SPM文凭, 难得可贵的是平均积分(GPS)和去年的一样保持在1.77,值得赞赏。另外,20 项报考科目中, 17科考获100%的及格率,包括,国文、英文、道德教育、经济、历史、科学、数学、生物、化学、物理、美术、英文文学、中国文学、地理、科技 英文和神学。其他科目的及格率为附加数学(99.6%)、会计(99.3% 和华文(99.5%)。她也趁机向学校的四大机构的支持表示感谢,更是向劳苦功高的教师们和家长们呈上万分的谢意。

2019年的 558名考生中,其中有122名考生(21.86%)考获全科A4人考获12A62 人考获11A 98人考获10A 95人考获9A。考获9A以上的考生占了46.42% 

其中黄佳怡(WONG JIA YEE)同学 11 A+ 的佳绩独占鳌头,为我校本年度最佳考生, 她也是雪州最佳考生之一。整体而言,我校平均积分GPS1.77,在八打灵县主区称霸。

祝愿全体毕业生         前程似锦,前途无量!

Pengumuman Keputusan STPM

2020年 大马高级学校文凭STPM)成绩于225日放榜, 全国中六毕业生都在当天回到母校领取成绩单。我校 2020年中六生继往年全体学生及格的佳绩,共有8位考生(13.33%)考获全科A,比起去年的6位(13.64%)有所进步。

        59名考生中,朱沅璋 (Choo Yuan Zhang),黄惠恩  ( Ooi Huey En),杨亦卉(Alice Yeo Yi Hui) 和林奕希(Lim Yee Xin)同学脱颖而出,考获平均累积 分数(PNGK)满分(4.0),其中 朱沅璋同学更是我校的骄傲,以5 A的佳 绩荣获全国十大优秀学生 奖 此外,朱沅璋和黄惠恩同学也是雪州的优秀学生。整体来说,本校 的平均累计分数为 3.13,比全国整体平均成绩的 2.77更优秀。
    刘妍妦副校长向考获佳绩的同学贺喜,同时也劝勉成绩不理想的同 学不要灰心,应再接再厉。她祝福同学们前程似锦,希望他们能顺利进入理想的大学,向人生新的阶段迈进。


2020222日是我校一年一度的越野赛跑。天还没亮,校园里已可见到老师与 学生们的身影。红,紫,蓝,绿和黄色的运动T恤铺满了校园的每一个角落,汇成一片美丽的花海。金灿灿的阳光透过茂密的枝丫细细碎碎的倾洒而下,参赛者逆着风,不懈怠地奋 力向前奔跑。时间一分一秒地过去,大家先后跑到了终点,也意味着越野赛跑接近尾声。这次的越野赛跑教会了大家只要坚持到底,永不言弃,必将得到意想不到的 收获!


荣 休会

    A retirement ceremony was held for TEACHER to express the gratitude of her students and colleagues towards her.

        Every great teacher has to retire one day, but their deeds and their teachings always remain in the hearts of their students.


  感恩你的付出, 祝 福你!


陈 秀珍老师

Pn.Teh Kuang Teck
郑 匡德老师

17.01.2020 - 22.01.2020


年一度农历新年的到来把八打灵公教国民型中学的气氛 渲染得热火 朝天。本校于2020117日 开幕由华文学会举办的春卉活动。鲜红的灯笼在校园四处高高挂 着,教师们也穿上红色衣 服到校参与这一系列的新春活动,让校园 充满了新春喜气的景象。嘉宾们受邀到台上进行剪彩仪式,随后二十四节令鼓呈献一场精湛的演出,全体师生们都看得津津有味,并拍手叫好。本校的醒狮团也派出 舞狮出场表演以及进行抛柑仪式,现场的气氛很热闹。接着,本校举办了有史以来第一次的庚子年千人挥春活动, 让全体师生 挥毫迎春,写下他们对家人师友的祝福,其乐融融。此项活动也借此机会弘扬书法文化,不仅让学生发挥常年练字得来的技长,而且还给了友族同胞的师认识华人传 统文化的机会。


本校董事长丹斯里拿督林福山太平局绅感谢董事部, 圣母昆仲会,家协, 校方和家长们多年来的配合和支持,同时董事长也呼吁家长, 校友们和社会大众慷慨解囊让本校学生能在舒适和安全的环境下学习和成长,更创高峰。
2019年的初中评估考试 (PT3)成绩表现优异,其中有63名同学获得9A74名获得8A78名获得7A52名获得6A,共计267名同学。她表示希望这样的成绩能持续下去。

韩川畴先生较后感谢董事,校方,家长和学生过去给予的协助及支持,同时强调,家教协会的成立是家长于学校沟通的桥梁,让学校 发展的活动能顺利进行每年的会员大会是 家长与老师沟通的平台,校方在大会上汇报校务发展,让家长了解学校的发展,而家长也可以借由这个平台提出看法、建议甚至表达不满,促进双方交流,互相配合 推动校务。



林雪儿老师荣休                        陈 彩珍老师荣休
20.01.2020                                               22.01.202



    Co-curriculum Day is an annual event hosted by all the clubs and societies of our school to attract new members to join their big family. The successful and highly anticipated event started off on the 10th of January after countless days of planning.
        Madam Lau Yan Hong, our senior assistant and the PIBG chairman Mr. Han Chuan Chor each took their turn to deliver their speeches. After that, the VIPs and the guests were invited to officially do the honours and launch the event, and the apex of the events began.

The school hall swarmed with students and booths could be seen in every nook and cranny, filling up the entire space in and outside the hall. A cacophony of shouts and cheers filled the hall, as members of each club went the extra mile to persuade and attract new members, while promoting their merchandise sold at their booths.

There were many mesmerising performances by various club such as Chinese Orchestra, Choir, Harmonica and Guitar band, Cheerleading Team and so on. Their hard work paid off as the audience watched with awe and admiration.

    The day ended well with students reluctantly leaving the school hall, sweaty and tired out. The Co-curricular Day is a day that all students rejoice in, and this year was definitely no exception

Program Amalan Guru Penyayang 2020

Pada 13/1/2020 (Isnin), sekolah kita telah merasmikan Program Amalan Guru Penyayang 2020. Penyelaras program ini, Cik Shirlena Ting Chin Yeuk telah menerangkan tentang Konsep Penyayang kepada semua warga sekolah. Matlamat program ini adalah supaya guru dapat menjiwainya dan menjadikan amalan penyayang sebagai budaya guru. Selaras dengan matlamat program ini, guru-guru bertugas akan mengalu-alukan kehadiran murid di pintu pagar sekolah setiap pagi dan juga menlaksanakan program mentor mentee sepanjang tahun. Selain itu, hadiah hari jadi akan diberikan kepada murid Tingkatan Lima dan Enam Atas dan buah-buahan akan diedarkan kepada warga sekolah SMJK Katholik PJ pada hari ketujuh Tahun Baru Cina. (人日) Majlis dirasmikan dengan ucapan Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran, Pn Lau Yan Hong serta penyampaian Modul Mentor Mentee kepada wakil guru tingkatan.

Program Jom ke Sekolah

Program Jom ke Sekolah 2020 telah dirasmikan pada 6/1/2020 (Isnin) di Tapak Perhimpunan SMJK Katholik. Program ini merupakan program kolaboratif antara Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) dengan Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dalam usaha menangani masalah disiplin dan salah laku murid. Matlamat program ini adalah untuk mewujudkan hubungan mesra dan kolaborasi yang lebih mantap antara pihak sekolah dan pihak PPS. Selain itu, program ini dapat meningkatkan peratus kehadiran murid ke sekolah serta memupuk minat murid untuk hadir ke sekolah. Penolong Kanan HEM, Pn Hew Swee Kung dan Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran, Pn Lau Yan Hong telah memberikan ucapan masing-masing bagi merasmikan Program Jom ke Sekolah ini. Diharapkan bahawa program ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan lancar sepanjang tahun.




    Majlis persaraan Pn. Zaipah Ismail  telah disambut meriah baru-baru ini.

    Pn. Zaipah Ismail telah berkhidmat selama 31 tahun di SMJK Katholik Petaling Jaya Beliau sebagai guru Pengajian Am yang berpengalaman dan berdedikasi. Pn.Zaipah disanjung tinggi oleh semua guru dan murid.

    Dalam majlis tersebut, Pn.Zaipah diberi peluang untuk memberi ucapan sepatah dua kata sebagai amanat terakhir sebelum meninggalkan dunia perguruan. Majlis tambah berseri dengan persembahan serta penyampaian hadiah kepada Pn.Zaipah.   

尽管空气污染指数已恢复正常,不再处于不健康水平,本校家 教协会仍采取防范措施,首次赞助凉茶解暑计划,让食堂业者煲煮凉茶给全校逾2900名师生饮用,力抗烟霾的侵袭。

        黄副校长在杏坛服务长达29年, 并于1991年来到本校。她于2017年升任下午班副校长至今。
        刘妍妦副校长代表全体教职员感谢黄幼玲副校长对公教中学所付出的贡献, 并祝福黄副校长在荣休后保持身心愉快,身体健康。



本校家协和教师团一行四十四人在丘秀群副校长和林秫琪副校长率领之下,于日前莅临泰国合 艾 Mahavajiravudh Changwat Songkhla School 中学举行文化和教学交流,教师们借此平台互相了解两国之间的差异,同时进行教学方针和技巧上的交流。此合艾之行,让所有参与者获益匪浅!

Pada 16 September 2019, Lawatan Penandaras telah diadakan ke  Mahavajiravudh Changwat Songkhla School, Muang Songkhla, Thailand. Lawatan ini telah diketuai oleh Penolong Kanan HEM Pn Hew Swee Kung dan Penolong Kanan KK Pn.Lim Sook Fun. Lawatan ini disambut Pengarah sekolah iaitu En.Wattana Thanomask. Tujuan lawatan ini adalah untuk mempelajari budaya dan cara kerja kakitangan sekolah di Thailand.



        Pelancaran Bulan Penghayatan Kemerdekaan Tahun 2019 dengan tema “Sayangi Malaysiaku : Malaysia Bersih”  telah disempurnakan oleh Pn.Lau Yan Hong  Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran SMJK Katholik, Petaling Jaya pada 01 Ogos 2019.


       Sambutan Hari Kebangsaan Peringkat sekolah telah diadakan dengan jayanya dan meriah. Ia disambut dengan penuh kegembiraan di kalangan warga sekolah. Pelbagai aktiviti telah diadakan sepanjang sambutan ini berlangsung.Antaranya, Perarakan Kemerdekaan, deklamasi sajak, tarian traditional dan laungkan MERDEKA.



    在马来西亚留台校友会联合总会精心安排下,台湾龙华科技大学特别赠送三台3D打印机给本校。此项计划是台湾龙华科技大学与本校合作,共同推展AI科 技与设计创意实作教育、预备AI及大数据对未来教育和产业的影响。

    陈志文教授也代表台湾龙华科技大学于七月廿四日,将 3D 打印机赠送给本校,由罗彩洁校长接领,并由马西亚留台校友会联合总会会长 陈绍厚见证。



     陈教授和戴子健学长也现场教导老师及同学们如何运用及操作3D打印机。 经过三个小时的训练,师生们都能掌握绘图技巧和操作3D打 印机。



中国盐城师范学院的六位教师于七月二十四 日远道而来,参访本校。他们在罗彩洁校长和副校长们的陪同下进一步了解公教的发展和成就。老师们也互相交流各别的行政和教学经验。 





        此场演奏会,旨在提升团员的演奏技巧,让团员们有一个发表学习平台,同时筹募添购、保养及维修乐器及设备,以及充作未来三年的营运费。截至演凑会当晚,共 筹获10万令吉的款项,其中,林木生集团基金会赞助2万令吉。


        演奏会指导孙福泉亲自指挥一众表演学生,演绎多首脍炙人口的歌曲,其中包括《Rolling in the Deep》、《As Long As You Love Me》、《Poker Face》等。另外大会也让乐团校友合奏,同时特别邀请前任副校长林佩谛和乐团校友在会上演绎《天空之城》;大会也邀请我国著名口琴 演奏乐团Fresco Harmonica 呈献多首组曲,他们完美的演绎,将演奏会的热闹气氛推向最高峰。

        演奏会出席嘉宾包括董事长丹斯里拿督斯里林福山、副董事长拿督郭智强、董事拿督叶奕良、家协主席韩川畴、副主席陈国钏、校友会主席拿督管保达、前校长李金 丽等等。


2019 教师节


 今年出席教师节庆典的嘉宾同样有来自圣母昆仲会、董事部、家协理事和校友会的表,场面异常热闹。今年的教师节主题为教师, 照耀民族的神圣火炬 .  庆典仪式以老师们代读教育总监和教育部长的誓词掀开序幕,总学长、副校长和家协主席也分别在大会上致 辞。他们都趁着教师节庆典,对老师们说一声:老师,您辛苦了!接着是全体老师宣读教师 宣言和切蛋糕仪式。

令人拭目以待的余兴节目隆重登场了。武术团、学长团、文化学会、女生独唱、二十四节令鼓、扯铃队和中六同学们的精彩演出,皆 获得了现场如雷的掌声。舞台表演结束后,老师们也参与中六学生准备的趣味游戏并享用了丰富的午餐。

         老师们在这一天特别开心,到处可见到老师与学生们拍照留念。希望这一天是老师们最难忘的一天, 也希望老师们笑口常开、身体安康



Mdm Chee Yai Chu, Head of  the Examination Department  of Catholic High School, Petaling Jaya was given a  touching and memorable retirement ceremony by the school on 12 June 2019. 


The Board of Governors, Marist Brothers, the Alumni, PTA,  ex-colleagues and former principals, administrators, staff and students  showed great care and love in appreciation of Mdm Chee’s tenure in CHSPJ. Many interesting programmes were carefully organized to ensure Mdm Chee left the school with priceless moments to cherish.
常 年运 动会

    八打灵公教中学于四月二十七日举办第51届运动会,获得四大机构理事、全体师生与家长积极参与其盛,最终红队技高一筹,夺下最佳 帐篷布置设计奖和全场总冠军。

    当天,学生到草场集合后,开幕仪式就开始了。学校乐队一边操步,一边演奏着令人振奋的音乐。各组别的健儿们个个精心装扮、士气高昂地操步进场。除此之外, 还有各个制服团体参与其盛。接下来,由运动员代表宣誓,然后到嘉宾致辞,运动会就正式开幕了.


    当天除了运动的比赛项目,吸引人眼球的还有各运动组别的帐篷布置。红组的主题是马里奥,紫组是外星世界,蓝组是阿凡达,青组是守护者,黄组则是宝可梦。许 多学生与老师都到不同的帐篷去拍照做纪念。

    经过一番激烈的竞争,运动会的颁奖仪式在中午11时进行,每一个学生都到操场中央集合,为各自的组别拿到的奖项而欢呼。此次运动会的总冠 军是红组,他们已蝉联了三年的冠军宝 座。紫组位居亚军,蓝组则位居季军。运动会在学生们唱校歌的歌声中圆满结束。

        Kejohanan Ping Pong Jemputan Berpasukan (Lelaki & Perempuan)

Piala Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Lim Hock San


        丹斯里拿督斯里林福山杯男女团体乒乓邀请赛经于420日及21日 在八打灵公教国民型华文中学圆满举行,共有15所小学、11所中学和5所大专院校参与其盛。此赛会由家协主席韩川畴主持开幕,并 由董事长丹斯里拿督斯里林福山太平局绅主持闭幕。

此赛会由林木生集团基金赞助,活动宗旨是提倡健康体育活动,让各校学生切磋球艺,并促进中小学乃至大专院校球队的友谊。本赛 事已经进入第六届,共分为4个项目,包括小学男子组,小学女子组,中学大专男子组以及中学大专女子组。

经过一番龙争虎斗,八打灵公教中学男队在中学大专组中脱颖而出,蝉联冠军。中 学大专女队冠军则落于首次参赛的马六甲育民国民型华文中学手中。培才华小经过多年参赛,今年首度登顶,荣获小学男子组冠 军,而梳邦子文华小则荣获小学女子组冠军。除了获得奖杯、奖牌和奖状以外,此赛还设有现金奖,冠军RM500、亚军RM250、季军和殿军皆获RM125















































                                    Pertandingan Bahas BahasaCina Ala Parlimen                                                            Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan                                                                   Peringkat Negeri Selangor 2019    

为 了培养学生对辩论的兴趣及提高学生的辩论水平,八打灵公教国民型华文中学2019418, 在公 中吴酉俊礼 堂举行2019年 第16届 雪州中学国会式华语辩论大 决赛。本次比赛共分为四部分既是初赛(416日)、复赛(416日)、半决赛(417日)与决赛,并吸 引了14所雪州国中/国民型中学前来参与。


 八打灵公教国民型华文中学校长罗彩洁女士在致欢迎词时表示,辩论不 仅能提高同学们的思维反应速度、沟通技巧,也能增强学生应变能力,对周遭事物的认知。她也感谢前来参赛的队伍以及慷慨解囊的赞助商,成全了本次的比赛。本 次比赛也获得雪州教育厅华文科助理局长王忠伟督学的支持,到场观赛与致闭幕词。


                                                      颁 奖典礼

        2019 四 月 十三日 本 校举行 2018/ 2019 年度卓越成 绩颁奖典礼。 当 天嘉宾们如副董事长拿督郭智强先生,家协主席韩川畴先生,圣母昆仲会钟振勇修士,家协成员们,校友会等 嘉宾都拨冗出席盛会并颁奖于成绩优秀的同学。


    当天也颁发2018 年男女模范生和男女运动员。他们是

Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang 模范生


                         CHOONG JAVEN    


2018年STPM 成绩放榜
2018年大马高级学校文凭(STPM)成绩于3 月11日放榜,2018年届的STPM考生都在当天回到学校领取成绩。

此分数也在全国整体平均 成绩(2.80)之上。
LADAP   2019

09 MAC 2019
UCSI  University
Relationship & Conflict Resolution Management

Assoc Prof Ir.Dr.Jimmy Mok

23 FEB 2019


Juara Merentas Desa
Rumah Merah
28.01.2019 - 31.01.2019

        董事长丹斯里林福山太平局绅在致开幕词时透露我国是中国境外保留中华文化最完整的国家,我们有机会接触并学习中华文化是幸福的。公教中学举办此活动为的是 推广和传承中华文化的使命。




        八打灵公教国民型中学日前举行家长与教师协会会员大会暨2018年中 三评估考试优异生颁奖礼,以选出新一届理事 并奖励在去年中三评估考试考获优良成绩的学生。原任主席韩川畴先生成功蝉联和副主席则由陈国钏出任。

        本校校长罗彩洁给予家协全体委员高度的赞扬,尤其该会常年来与校方合作主办多项活动,让孩子获益不浅。罗校长也希望借此项常年大会拉近家长与校方的距离, 同时呼吁家长与校方配合,以解决学校所面对的问题。

       HARI GERKO 2019


Penolong Kanan Kokurikulum
Cik Margaret  Lim Pei Tee



Orientasi Pelajar Baru    Tingkatan 1 2019






To the Organising Committee
To the Sponsors
To everyone who has helped in one way or another







 112日,公教中学共28位行政人员、教师和科学室助理,在丘秀群副校长、林佩谛副校长和黄幼玲副校长的带领下,前往槟城钟灵国民型中学进行教学与管 理交流。首先郑毓敏副校长解说钟灵课外活动的方针并分享所获荣誉。接着在钟灵中学蓝年丰副校长、陈伦瑛副校长、蔡崇裕副校长的带领及解说下,行政团队和老 师们参观了课外活动部、钟灵文物馆、画廊, I creatorz及了解如何善用空间,软硬体设备的使用,各部门都为我校提供不少启发。尔后双方针对各部门进 行一系列交流。


此行造访槟城钟灵,获益匪浅!我校感谢槟城钟灵国民型中学  在 百忙中抽空接待!



        八打灵公教国民型华文中学在1031日(星期三)早上 举办第58届高中暨第34 届大学先修班毕业典礼,共有549名毕业生从此挥别母校,走向人生的另一个征途。


东亚省会长赵通强修士、家协主席韩川畴先生、本校四大机构理事以及家长,场面温馨隆重,座无虚 席。

        当天学生们开开心心领取毕业证书,接受了师长们的祝福。在余兴节目环节,同学们载歌载舞,点缀了毕业典礼,歌声笑声持续不断,让众人留下美好的回忆。本校 全体同仁祝愿毕业生们飞得更高更远,用你的生命继续造福更多的人。

                   MAJLIS PERSARAAN
                      PN.LIM BEE AIN
                 林美瑛老师     荣休仪式

    八月十七日, 本校为在杏坛服务了逾36年的教师林 美瑛举行退休欢送会。 林美瑛师自1983 年开始执教,在教育界默默耕耘,栽培了一批又一批的 栋梁之才,桃李满天下。

本校罗彩洁校 长表示,林老师为杏坛服务数十载,可说是桃李满天下。他感谢林 老师对教育事业的执著与付出,尤其是对公教的热爱和贡献。 他希望林老师 退休后能常回校探望师生们。


林老师在发表 退休感言时,她感谢老师们给与的合作,以及给予她的祝福。她也希望同学们修好品德及在学业上加 倍努力。学校就如她第二个家般,同事和学生们就如家人一样,大家不分彼此互相协助,共同在一个屋檐下为教学工作,使她感到万分不舍。

荣休会上,圣母 昆仲会、董 事会、校友会、家协、前任校长和退休老师们、老师及学生代表们纷纷上台赠送纪念品,学生们也呈 献了他们特别为林老师精心准备的表演。最后,林老师与来宾们的陪同,以及师生们的热情欢送下,与大家握手拥抱道别。



                                                                BULAN KEMERDEKAAN 


    为了培养公教学子们对国家的敬仰与忠诚,我校特于八月一日举行了一个小型的庆典。 此仪式由华、巫、印三位司仪同学主持,在铜乐队的率领 下,本校各个团体便踩着一致的脚步,威风凛凛地踏入会场。在学长团团长带领宣誓及罗彩洁校长主持开幕仪式后,一连串的余兴节目便陆续登场。 当天的节目包括了合唱、舞蹈及爱国诗歌朗诵。在这国庆月里,校方也将进行各种活动来灌输学生的爱国精神。


国庆是举国同欢的大好日子,同时人民也应该感谢为国牺牲的英雄们, 感谢他们让我们拥有一片属于我们的马来西亚

Pertandingan Deklamasi Sajak dan Pidato Bahasa Cina SMK/SMJK Peringkat Daerah Petaling Utama Tahun 2018

八打灵县主区中学华语诗歌朗 诵暨即席演讲比赛

为了培养学生对诗歌朗诵与演讲的兴趣,及提高学生的朗诵与演讲技巧,本校于2018411日(星期三),上午八时,于 本校礼堂成功举办 2018年八打灵县主区中学华语诗歌朗诵暨即席演讲比赛。这项比赛吸引近18所八打灵县主区中学前来参 与。比赛于中午2时正圆满结束。本校队伍成功攮括了初中组诗歌朗诵,初中组与高 中组即席演讲比赛冠军,高中组诗歌朗诵季军。








音 乐之夜

        本校铜乐队于七月七日举办了名为 “An Evening of Music: IX” 音乐之夜演奏会,邀来双簧管吹奏家王玮菘以及香港圣文德书院铜乐队携手演出,成功募获 逾11万5千令吉,作为铜乐队活动与添购乐器的基金。当晚,可容纳1200人的学校礼堂座无虚席,成功吸引了来自各行各业各年龄层的音乐爱好者。


        林 木生集团基金会 (LBS Foundation) 是演奏会的主要赞助单位,该集团董事经理兼本校董事长丹斯里拿督斯里林福山在开幕时表示教育是发挥个人潜质的关键,而这类活动正是学生发光发热的最佳平 台。他也感谢各界人士的鼎力支持和师生们的付出,让演奏会得以顺利进行。公教中学校长罗彩洁认为这场音乐会能帮助学生提高音乐素养和累积演出经验,同时也 能挖掘更多有潜能的未来音乐家。

         在李仁华导师的指挥下,公教中学铜乐队呈现了融合经 典和现代曲风的音乐作品,包括人人耳熟能详的浪漫音乐剧《爱乐之城》(La La Land)里的歌曲以及70年代风靡全球的乐团ABBA的串烧歌曲。本校的弦乐队也演奏了几首歌曲,其中《大娱乐家》(The Greatest Showman)里的 “Rewrite the Stars” 更是获得全场共鸣。


        香港圣文德书院铜乐队不愧为香港顶级的乐团之一,在冯嘉兴先生指挥下,所演奏的曲子获得如 雷掌声,其中的《那些年》主题曲更是让全场观众一起合唱,沉浸在音乐飨宴之中。本校铜乐队与双簧管独奏家王玮菘合作演出,也与圣文德书院铜乐队联合演出几 首曲子,让音乐会更为丰富多彩,当晚的演奏会在两校合奏演出中圆满地画上句点。                                                                                                                                                       Yu Jake报道

Teacher Day

    “A good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for others.”

    As a symbol of gratitude to the teachers of who have worked selflessly to educate the future generation, Catholic High School celebrated Teacher’s Day on the 29th of June. The theme for this year’s celebration was “Harmony”, with the teachers symbolising different tunes that produced a beautiful and harmonious melody when played together.


    The celebration started off with the arrival of the stars of the day, the teachers, who paraded into the hall to thunderous cheers and applause from the students. This was followed by speeches from the Head Prefect, the principal Mdm. Low Lai Khun, the Chairman of the Parents Teachers Association, Mr. Han Chuan Chour, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lim Hock San SSAP DSSA JP. Mdm. Low then led the Teacher’s Day Declaration. Presents were given to the principal and the teachers by various parties, followed by the cake-cutting ceremony.

    Then came the highlight of the day. Performances by the Lower 6 students, the Prefectorial Board, the Theatre and Cultural Club, the Diabolo Club, the Wushu Club and a few other solo performances had the audience enraptured. The performances were all aimed to show the student’s appreciation and gratitude to the teachers, with cheers of “Happy Teacher’s Day!” and “We love you teachers!” ringing out again and again.


    After the performance, the ceremony in the hall ended. It was then time for the teachers to indulge in some games organised by the Lower 6 students. After that, the teachers were treated to a scrumptious meal in the school hall. A touching video filmed by the UBK students played while the teachers had their meal, marking a perfect ending to a meaningful Teacher’s Day celebration.

     YU JAKE reported




        八打灵公教国民型华文中学六十二 周年校庆于六月二十七日早晨举行。

     为了庆祝我校屹立六十二年,本校董事长丹斯里拿督斯里林福山太平局绅,圣母昆仲会东亚省会长赵通强修士,家教协会主席韩川畴先生,几位前任校 长、圣母昆仲会修士、校友会代表和家协成员皆出席了今年的校庆。校庆仪式在全体嘉宾和师生高唱国歌,州歌及校歌后拉开序幕,罗彩洁校长、林福山董事长和赵 通强修士纷纷上台致词,感谢先贤们的努力和付出,有了他们的无私奉献,方有今日的公教中学。赵修士更是提醒全体师生要有虚怀若谷的精神,才能不断进步,让 公教中学优良的品质一直持续下去。

      致词完毕后便是剪彩仪式,生日歌在彩炮声中响起,全体师生一起为母校祝寿。本校的二 十四节令鼓队也备有精彩表演助兴,公教中学六十二周年校庆在最后一击鼓声中圆满结束




Kejohanan Ping Pong Jemputan Piala Tan Sri Dato'Sri Lim Hock San

丹斯里拿督斯里林福山杯男女团体乒乓邀请赛62日及3日在八打灵公教国民型中学    圆满举行,共有13所小学、10所中学和4所大专院校参与其盛。此赛会由董事长丹斯里拿督林福山太平局绅主持开幕仪式,并由家协主席韩川畴主持闭幕礼。



经过一番龙争虎斗,本校中学男子队在中 学大专组中脱颖而出,荣获冠军。中学大专组女子队冠军则坐落于巴生光华独中手中,蒲种益智小学男队和女队分别获得 小学男子组和女子队冠军。
















































Yu Jake 报道

        本校第50届运动会经于2018421日在学校草场举行。当天一早,学生穿着各自运动组的衣服,红黄青蓝紫,让校园看起来热闹非凡,更有各组的操步队伍在做最后的 排练和准备,煞是壮观。


      学生们在各组的帐篷里坐好后,本校第50届运动会正式拉开序幕。首先是本校铜乐队带领着制服团体和运动组操步入场,接着是运动员宣誓。嘉宾致辞后,各项赛事便开始 了。草场上即刻响起各组成员为选手们呐喊打气的声音。各组的操步和拉拉队比赛精彩万分,让本届运动会生色不少


Yu Jake 报道

Pertandingan Deklamasi Sajak dan Pidato Bahasa Cina SMK/SMJK Peringkat Daerah Petaling Utama Tahun 2018

        为了培养学生对诗歌朗诵与演讲的兴趣,及提高学生的朗诵与演讲技巧,本校于2018年4月11日(星期三),上午八时,于本校礼堂成功举办2018年八打 灵县主区中学华语诗歌朗诵暨即席演讲比赛。这项比赛吸引近18所八打灵县主区中学前来参与。比赛于中午2时正圆满结束。

        本校队伍成功攮括了初中组诗歌朗诵,初中组与高中组即席演讲比赛冠军,高中组诗歌朗诵季军。他们分别来自初中组的(2A4)陈子芊、(1A6)黎嫣嫣 、(1B5)吴潤彤、(1A7)彭炫霓 、(1A6)曾重凯以及高中组的(4S7)黄捷、(4P2)黄子恩 。



2018 教育展         EDUFAIR 2018

          The annual Education Fair of SMJK Katholik, organised by the school’s Counseling Unit, was held at the school hall on the 10th of April with the theme “Imagine, Believe, Achieve”. This year, 48 institutions participated in the fair. The unprecedented presence of University of Malaya marked the first time a local public university has ever set up its booth here. 

          Members of the Parents Teachers Association, the school Alumni and administrators of the school took part in the opening ceremony, which was kicked off by a performance from our school band. After the opening speech by the principal, Madam Low Lai Khun, the event wasally launched.

          After the launching, the students visited various booths to obtain information and advice regarding their preferred courses. The representatives from all the institutions were very eager to share their knowledge and expertise in their respective fields with the students.

          The Edufair ended at 12.25pm. All the students left the fair with a clearer insight into their future. It was a huge success, and it is hoped that similar events will be held in the future for the students’ benefit.

Yu Jake 报道    


        Sebagai tanda pengiktirafan dan penghargaan kepada para pelajar yang memperoleh pencapaian yang cemerlang dalam bidang akademik dan kokurikulum pada tahun lepas, Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang sekolah telah diadakan pada 7 April 2018. Sijil pencapaian dan piala juga dianugerahkan kepada pelajar yang mendapat keputusan cemerlang dalam peperiksaan SPM dan STPM tahun 2017.

          Majlis tersebut dimulakan dengan nyanyian lagu kebangsaan dan lagu negeri Selangor. Seterusnya, Tuan Pengetua sekolah, Pn. Low Lai Khun meneruskan pembukaan majlis dengan ucapan alu-aluan. Dalam ucapan beliau, beliau mengucapkan tahniah dan syabas kepada pelajar-pelajar yang telah memperoleh pencapaian yang cemerlang pada tahun lepas dan juga kepada para graduan tingkatan 5 tahun 2017 yang telah mencipta rekod baharu apabila mencatat keputusan terbaik dalam peperiksaan SPM. Beliau juga merakamkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang terlibat untuk menjayakan pencapaian tersebut, terutamanya para guru sekolah yang berdedikasi. Majlis diteruskan dengan ucapan daripada Pengerusi Lembaga Pengelola Sekolah, Tan Sri Lim Hock San DDSA, JP, yang mencerminkan fikiran Tuan Pengetua dalam ucapan beliau.

          Sesi penyampaian hadiah telah dimulakan dengan penyampaian sijil penghargaan kepada wakil kelab dan persatuan yang telah menyumbangkan masa dan tenaga kepada aktiviti dan pengurusan kelab dan persatuan masing-masing. Seterusnya, sijil pencapaian dianugerahkan kepada pelajar tingkatan 5 yang memperoleh keputusan cemerlang dalam peperiksaan sekolah pada tahun 2017. Selepas itu, para graduan tingkatan 5 tahun lepas yang mendapat 9A dan ke atas dalam peperiksaan SPM pula dianugerahkan dengan piala sebagai tanda pengiktirafan. Sebanyak 219 pelajar cemerlang telah dianugerahkan dengan piala dan sijil dalam majlis tersebut. Seterusnya, pelajar tingkatan 6 atas dan graduan tingkatan 6 tahun lepas telah menerima anugerah atas pencapaian cemerlang dalam bidang akademik. Ibu bapa penerima anugerah dijemput untuk bergambar dengan anak-anak mereka sebagai kenang-kenangan.

          Majlis tersebut diakhiri dengan pengumuman olahragawan, olahragawati serta Pelajar Terbaik bagi tahun 2017. Saudara Terence Ng Shin Jian dan Hee Xiao Yi telah berjaya dianugerahkan sebagai Olahragawan dan Olahragawati sekolah untuk tahun lepas. Mereka telah mengharumkan nama sekolah dalam bidang sukan bukan sahaja di peringkat daerah, tetapi juga ke peringkat kebangsaan mahupun peringkat antarabangsa. Saudara Choo Yuan Zhang dan saudari Ow Ruo Yu pula dianugerahkan Pelajar Terbaik atas pencapaian akademik dan kokurikulum yang begitu terserlah dan cemerlang.

           Selepas nyanyian lagu sekolah, majlis pada pagi itu tamat dengan jayanya.



Yu Jake 报道

2017年  SPM        大马教育文凭

        2017年大马教育文凭成绩于3月15日放榜了!对中五毕业生而言,今天是五年辛勤耕耘后丰收硕果的一天,意义非凡。大约早上11时,他们步入学校礼堂, 满怀期待与不安地等待成绩放榜。

        董事会顾问拿督钟侑霖,家协主席韩川畴先生和几名家协成员拨冗出席了当天的仪式,以示对学生的支持和鼓励。罗彩洁校长在致词中向同学们贺喜,并说明本校的 平均积分(GPS)比去年的1.83进步了0.08达致1.75,值得赞赏。她也趁机向学校的四大机构的支持表示感谢,更是向劳苦功高的教师们和家长们呈 上万分的谢意。


        在2017年的542名考生中,及格率高达99.82%,其中有94名考生(17.34%)考获全科A,比起2016年的74名(14.45%)全科A学 生进步了不少。

郭 业鸣同学以10科A+的佳绩独占鳌头,为我校本年度最佳考生。整体而言,我校平均积分(GPS)为1.75,在八打灵县主区称霸,更在雪州排行榜上名列 第四

        祝愿全体毕业生前程似锦,前途无量!                                                                    Yu  Jake 报道

                                 许裕全    《扑一场文学之旅        讲座

日 期:2018年3月15日星期四

时 间:10时40分至12时四十分

           为了提高学生写作兴趣及发掘学生的创作才华,同时鼓励学生参与《会心一孝》全国中小学孝道征文比赛,公中华文组于2018年3月15日成功举办了 许裕全《扑一场文学之旅》讲座。


        此讲座皆由亚发白咖啡以及星洲日报荣誉赞助,由许裕全先生主讲。许先生透过“孝顺”之定义,结合自身的人生背景与经历,贯穿于创 作之中,为学生设立一个生动富有想象力的讲座,讲座结束前还为学生们解答疑惑,让学生们获益良多。


大马高级学校文凭(STPM) 成绩放榜

        2017年大马高级学校文凭(STPM)成绩于3月6日放榜, 全国中六毕业生都在当天回到母校领取成绩单。                                   


        在49名考生中,洪凯扬和刘宇捷同 学脱颖而出,考获平均累积分数(PNGK)满分(4.0),其中洪凯扬同学更是我校的骄傲,以5 科 A的佳绩荣获全国十大优秀学生奖。 整体来说,本校的平均累计分数为3.15,比全国整体平均成绩的2.67更优秀。

        刘妍妦副校长向考获佳绩的同学贺喜,同时也劝勉成绩不理想的同学不要灰心,应再接再厉。她祝福同学们前程似锦,希望他们能顺利进入理想的大学,向人生新的 阶段迈进。

Yu  Jake 报道
Tahun Baru Cina

        辞岁灵鸡歌日丽,迎新瑞 犬报年丰!公教中学一年一度的春卉又到了!

        今年戊戌年的春卉于二 月七日至九日在学校的历史广场举行,为的是增添学校的新年气息,并在学生群中散播中华文化的种子,让中华文化得以传承。

         圣母昆仲会代 表王喜添修士和钟振勇修士,董事长丹斯里林福山太平局绅,家教协会主席韩川畴先生和四大机构的理事拨冗出席了二月七日早上的开幕典礼。


        罗彩洁校长代 表校方感谢了董事长和家协主席及家协成员在百忙中抽空莅临本校,也向同学们拜了个早年。丹斯里林福山在开幕词中向师生们致以诚挚的祝福,祝大家在新的一年 里平安健康,学生们学业猛进。本校的醒狮团,扯铃队和二十四节令鼓在剪彩仪式后表演助兴,开幕仪式也在热烈的掌声中完美结束。

           今年春卉的主 题为十里桃花,十十美,旺得福,这三天,全 校师生都能到历史广场去参观,学习剪纸,并购买文房四宝、墨宝、对联、以及各类新年食品。




Yu  Jake 报道


集 体亲手绘制贺年卡
    为了配合戊戌年的到来,及提倡送贺年卡,传递祝福的习俗。学校在二月二日(星期五) 下午2时至3时半进行了一场集体亲手绘制贺年卡,传递爱心、思念与祝福的新春活动。
         这项活动是由ALFA 学院团队带领。一共有五百余位中一同学参与这项活动的。这项有意义的活动将把绘制好贺卡捐献出去,以为SPCA防止虐待动物协会筹款,给被遗弃的流浪狗传 递爱心。
        首先是SPCA防止虐待动物协会负责人向学生们讲解成立该协会的目的,并教导学生们尚待动物。接着ALFA 学院讲师播发视频,向学生讲述狗儿在中华文化里的形象与其意义。稍后工作人员开始分发画纸给各班学生设计贺卡。学生们分别用木颜色笔、水彩等颜料绘画。也 有一些学生应用颜色纸、红包袋,以剪贴的方式设计贺卡。
        活动于三时三十分才圆满结束。ALFA 学院入选了20张贺卡作为得奖作品,同时也作为慈善捐献给SPCA之用途,其余四百余张贺卡则作为春晖活动的布置之用。这项有意义的活动不但培养同学们之 间学习中华文化的兴趣,同时也让同学在新春期间有机会行善助人.
蔡 训玮师报道

Merentas Desa
Cross country
越 野赛跑

    3rd February 2018 marked our annual cross country event. The school, usually quiet on a Saturday morning, was transformed into a busy hub filled with students garbed in their respective sport houses’ t-shirts with numbers adorning their fronts and backs. It was a beautiful day and the students assembled at designated spots to warm up, eagerly waiting for the race to begin.

            At 8.00 a.m. sharp, the signal blared, signalling the start of the race! Students poured out of the school gate, eager to get a head start over the other runners. The streets of Jalan Gasing were soon filled with the thuds of the students’ footsteps, punctuated by their huffs and puffs as they strained every sinew to finish the race in time. Some other students jogged along, enjoying the morning while chatting with their friends.


             Positioned along the streets at various checkpoints were teachers along with members of uniform bodies such as the Red Crescent Society, the Girl Guides and the Fire Brigade to guide the students to run the right path. Members of the Photography Club on the other hand were busy snapping away, while the Quarter Masters were the masterminds, leading the way and organising everything.

             Around 11.00 a.m., the students assembled at the Sports Centre, seated according to their sport houses for the most anticipated moment — the prize-giving ceremony to commence. The first 30 finishers for each age group were announced, with roars and screams from the houses they were representing greeting each name. After tallying the points, the Red House was announced as the overall champion for the 2018 Cross Country, followed by the Purple house and the Blue house. Regardless of the final result, all the students should be proud of themselves as they played an important part in making the event a huge sucess.

Reported: Yu Jake
Mesyuarat PIBG 2018
2018 年度
家 教协会会员大 会


    八打灵公教国民型中学于一月二 十七日行了2018年度 家教会会大会2018年中 三异生颁奖礼,以出新一届理事 并励在去年中三价考获优良成的学生。在家大会中,原任 主席川畴先生和副 主席怡成先生不众望,蝉主席与副主席位。今年多家出席大会,并极参与改此届大会圆满结

        圣母昆仲会东亚省会长赵通强修士在其 开幕中强了家教会的重要性, 由于公教中学政府学校,因此校方需要家全力配合与帮助, 才能培养莘莘学子成国家未来的主人 翁。

      主席川畴先生的教育制度不需要秀的师资家教会的助,方能塑造 全方位的人才。有于校方和家合作的重要 性,他希望家予校方不余力的支持,学达致更卓越的成就

       彩洁校于致也代表校方家教会理事和家长们表示了衷心的 感,特别是心一意小的成立,无法成理事的家也能在工作之余,参与并助家教完成一系列的 活。校切希望家长们继续关心孩子的学习进度,同鼎力支持与配 合学校所推的各

Yu  Jake 报道



        The annual Gerko Day of SMJK Katholik was held on 12 January 2018. The drizzling rain could not suppress the sense of excitement bubbling through the students as this was a day for each and every club in the school to introduce themselves to the students and also bring in fresh blood. 

        The day was started with a rendition of the national anthem, followed by opening speeches from the assistant principal, Mdm. Lau Yan Hong and the chairman of the Parents Teachers Association, Mr. Han Chuan Chour. In her speech, Mdm. Lau emphasized the importance of co-curricular activities in helping students obtain knowledge which is unobtainable through studying in classrooms. Mr. Han too stated that co-curricular activities help to develop well-rounded students with excellent social skills and high levels of discipline. Amidst cheers and applause, Mr. Han struck the gong which signalled the opening of 2018’s Gerko Day! The opening ceremony was completed with awe-inspiring performances from the Wushu Club, Ping Pong Club and the Calyx team. 

    After that, it was finally time for students to visit the stalls in exhibit, purchasing merchandise and looking for a club suitable to join.


click for large image......        Reported by Yu Jake

8 学生获皇家童军徽章 KING  SCOUTS

本校有8名学生成功获得皇家童军徽章。这项2017年雪兰莪州大马皇家童军颁奖礼于日前在州政府大厦宴会厅盛大举行,并获得雪州苏丹沙拉弗丁殿下亲自颁发 皇家童军证书。
8名获得皇家童军徽章的童军是林汶航 (Tristan Lim Wen Han)、林旭杰 (Lim Xu Kiat)、林义翔 (Lim Yit Xiang)、郑廉铮(Clement Tee Lian Zheng)、杨子量(Yang Zi Liang)、廖承泽 (Liew Chen Tzer)、王景贤 (Yu Jinx Xian)和朱沅樟 (Choo Yuan Zhang)。


Majlis Orientasi  Pelajar Tingkatan 1  2018

9.00 am - 12.00 pm

公教中学在日前的 2018 年度新生报到日, 迎来430 名初中一新生,
家 长于当天陪同孩子到校出席迎新日,场面热闹。

It's the time of the year again where teachers come together and have fun.

一年一度的公教谢师宴日前在双威酒店举行。 老师们难得放下繁冗的公务,大家尽兴一个下午。



Best wishes to my dear students。

感 谢公教四大机构理事成员拨冗出席毕业典礼。
感 谢老师们的辛勤教导,家长们的爱心陪伴,同学们的互助友爱。
   中五和中六孩子们, 加油!鹏程万里



雪隆华校董联会在新主席蔡庆文律师的带领下于10 4日莅临公教中学进访问。

这一支为数12位雪隆华校董联会理事包括了:主席蔡庆文律师 、署理主席拿督翁清玉、副主席拿督王发、总务罗志昌 、财政陈正锦、 副财政林进权、常务郑联荣与林泽民、执委拿督杨安山与拿督罗文森、执行秘书赖顺裕及策划主任张济作。

拜访团于早上1030分抵达本校。拜访团与公中领导层在仁爱轩合影后,受邀到会议室进行交流。首先,由本校董事长丹斯里林福山局绅致欢迎词,以及 校长罗彩洁向贵宾介绍公中的创历史、学校组织、校务发展方针、教育使命以及学术与课外活动上卓越的表现。

接着,大会邀请雪隆华校董联会新上任主席蔡庆文律师致词。蔡庆文透露为了配合新成立的国民型华文中学事务委员会,公教中学成 为雪隆第一所前来拜访的国民型华文中学。蔡庆文希望借此机会更进一步了解国民型华文中学的运作与面对的困境。蔡庆文表示国民型华文中学是培育华文师资的摇 篮,其发展绝不可忽视。有鉴于此,华社必须当志强,齐心合力捍卫华文教育,解决华教问题。稍后,董联会总务罗志昌先生播放视频,向大家讲解雪隆华校董联会 的使命与行政组织。交流环节结束后,校长与副校长陪同贵宾参观校园,让贵宾更进一步了解本校。


                               Lawatan SMA Katholik Kolese Santo Yusup,   Malang , Jawa, Indonesia

印尼东爪哇玛琅县 华印高中拜访团



    八打灵公教国民型华文中学在学术与课外活动的卓越成果不仅获得教育部的认可,亦获得邻国的青睐,9 18日一支代表印尼的东爪哇玛琅县华印高中 莅临该校进行访问。

    到访的华印高中在东爪哇玛琅县拥有六十年建校历史的名校,是一所天主教教会学校,主要学生源自玛琅县的印尼华侨。华印高中是一所以英语与数理科为特长的学校,此外在推动课外活动与社区活动上亦有杰出的表现。这一支为数38位教职员的拜访团的成员包括了Giyanto修士、初中与高中校长Petrus Harjanto Elisabeth Aning4 位副校长、辅导老师、资源老师等。

    这支拜访团于早上830分抵达该校。拜访团与公中接待工委会在仁爱轩合影后,受邀到会议室进行交流。首先,课外活动副校长林佩谛致欢迎辞,接着向他们介绍公中的创历史、学校组织、校务发 展方针、教育使命以及学术与课外活动上卓越的表现。稍后,在副校长林佩谛与中六学生学生的协助下,带领拜访团参观校园,以更进一步了解校内进行的活动。


    这场为时3小时的访问,让华印高中中学老师们获益良多。结束前,该校校长Petrus Harjanto在致谢词上赞扬公中高效能的办校能力、在四大机构与师生的努力下把学校办的有声有色,同时也赞叹学校拥有完整的软硬体设备, 实行二十一世纪教育理念。他表示希望往后两校之间能架起友谊的桥梁,让两国的师学之间有更多的联系与交流.

Pelancaran Bulan Penghayatan Kemerdekaan 2017

Sea Game 2017    Open Ceremony


CHS Band and Wu Shu Club



大马教育文凭   华文科  
辉煌计划 (一)
Ceramah Teknik Menjawab


为了增强学生作答华文试卷的信心,公中华文组于817日至18日 成功举办了三场作答技巧讲座。


林校长呈堂幽默有趣,且采用二十一世纪教学模式与学生进行互动,让全体中五学生获益良多。讲座完毕罗彩娟校长亲自颁发证书, 感谢林校长的协助

Majlis Pelantikan Pengawas Sesi Pagi 2017/2018


       Happy Retirement Pn.Lan

本校日前举办第49届常年运动会,红队发挥高度团体合作及坚韧不拔的精神,脱颖而出,勇夺全场总冠 军;蓝队则荣获操步比赛。

本校董事长丹斯里林福山局绅为运动会主持开幕时表示希望学生发挥崇高的体育精神,全力以赴争取最好的表现。他也促请学生注重身体健康,平时除了要搞好功 课,也要多运动、多锻炼身体。

家教协会主席韩川畴致闭幕词时赞赏学生在运动场上体现崇高的体育精神。他也感谢全体老师、家长、校友及同学的支持与鼓励, 群策群力把运动会办得尽善尽美。
各组别精心筹备帐篷设计和操步比赛, 各出奇招
, 各有千秋。他们主题是分别是蓝组的冰之王朝、红组的派丁顿熊、青组的战士、紫组的哈利波特及黄组的海绵宝宝.

Kempen Derma Darah 2017

Berjaya mengumpul  106  pain darah


Pertandingan Deklamasi Sajak Bahasa Cina Peringkat Selangor

Interaksi Pelajar Pancaragam
a) Carine Senior High School, Australia

b)  Ping Jhue Junior High School, Taiwam

Majlis  Ulang Tahun     Sekolah Ke-61

KONSERT PMO   华乐团演奏会


we are *SUPERTAR



21/04/2017- 23/04/2017

Majlis Persaraan Encik Tham Kok Peng
17 Mac 2017

Mr Tham Kok Peng, Senior Assistant for Student Affairs of Catholic High School, Petaling Jaya was given a most touching and memorable retirement ceremony by the school on 17March 2017.

The Board of Governors, Marist Brothers, the Alumni, PTA,  ex-colleagues and former principals, administrators, staff and students  showed great care and love in appreciation of Mr Tham’s tenure in CHSPJ. Many interesting programmes were carefully planned to ensure Mr.Tham left the school with priceless moments to cherish.

During the ceremony, Mr Tham commented that he trusted the teachers' ability and dedication will continue to inspire the students greatly. Like many others, Mr Tham’s gentle patient nature has proven to be effective in dealing with his colleagues and students.

Mr Tham is well known for his regular use of acronyms whenever he speaks in any occasion in school. For example, UMNO means U Must Not Overwork or MMI which he literally translated to “Masa Melindungi Isteri” instead of Masa Melindungi Instrucktional. He is also well known for his “V” gesture to display his carefree attitude towards his strenuous job.

As he clocks out of the school for the last time, teachers and students lined up along the main school drive way to the school gate to bade farewell to Mr Tham with loving hugs and well wishes.

Moving forward, it is "Goodbye Tension, Hello Pension!" for Mr Tham. He has a new list of KPIs to achieve during his retirement, especially “Masa Melindungi Isteri”.

CHS hope that Mr Tham will enjoy his much deserved new life.
Happy Retirement,           Mr Tham and all the best!
Pengumuman Keputusan SPM 2016
16 Mac 2017

2016年大马教育文凭考试(SPM)于16 日放榜,八打灵公教中学再获佳绩,全校共有512 位考生,考获平均积分(GPS1.83. 成绩冠八打灵再也县,在雪州则排名第五。



SPM 18 个科目中,公教共有12个科目考获100%及格率,这些科目是国文、英文、数学、科学、物理、化学、生物、美术、回教、中国文学、科技文学、圣经知识。其余6个科目也取得理想成绩,包括道德教育、历史各99.8%、附加数学98.9%、会计98.6%、经济99.3%及华文99.0%。值得一提的是, 数学和英文各取得GPMP 0.78 的佳绩。

校长罗彩洁表示,很高兴看到本校取得这么亮丽成绩, 这应该是历年来最佳成绩。这是本校四大机构、家教协会、老师、家长的配合和同学们的努力才能有今天的成绩。希望来届的考生向学长和学姐们看齐,继续努力考 获佳绩。


Majlis Persaraan Datin Sivaneswari

15 Mac 2017

    Biology teacher Datin Sivaneswari A/P S.S Pillay said goodbye to everyone at SMJK Katholik, Petaling Jaya with a heavy heart upon his retirement day which was on 15March 2017.  After all, she had spent her entire teaching career spanning 34 years at the school. She is currently the longest serving teacher of the school. She retired as the head of the SPBT and head of teacher advisor of Interact Club. 

    A special assembly was held to send her off. It was attended by the Board of Governors, Marist Brothers, the Alumin, PTA,  Rotary Club of Petaling Jaya,  teachers and about 1500 students, who presented Datin with gifts as a show of their appreciation. There were performances by teachers and students during the ceremony.

    During her speech, Datin Sivanes hope that students will do all their best in their undertakings and find passion in doing them.Our Principal Pn.Low Lai Khun said, “Being a hardworking teacher, Datin has always been totally responsible in discharging her duties.” “She is an asset to our school and she will truly be missed by all of us in CHS as her commitment to her work has always been exemplary to all.” 
                                                    Merentas Desa 2017

   八打灵公教中学为了推崇运动风气,提高健康意识,于225日举行越野赛跑,全 体公教学生及老师们积极参与其盛。赛事进行前,各组别师生在礼堂集合,一起做热身准备。
   为确保学生的安全,校方除了安排教师和制服团体学生沿途监督,也寻求交通警察的协助维持交通秩序。此外,公中红新月会队员随时待命,让体力不支的学生能在 第一时间获得援助。
   越野赛跑有益身心,也能促进师生交流的机会。其宗旨是希望学生通过参与运动塑造爱运动的文化和健康的生活方式,引发 学生对运动的兴趣。


Selamat Datang  Pengetua baru
Pn.Low Lai Khun


Pengumuman Keputusan STPM 2016
    大马高级教育文凭       成绩放榜

     公教中学在2016年大马高级教育文凭取得100%及格率,全级考生也考获3.20的平均累积分数,比20153.11分提高了0.09分。 本校共有4人考获全科A,其中一人考获4分(满分)平均累积分数。 他们是 Koay Guo Yao, Len Shan Yi. Chan  Qi-Hua, Goh Shu Jia.

    此外15人考获5A 27 人考获4A3人 考获3A2人考获2A 本校的7个科目平均等级分数超过3,包括普通试卷、数学、物理、生物、会计学及中文; 其中生物、会计学及经济取得100%的及格率。罗彩洁校长恭喜所有考获佳绩的学生。罗校长对于考生 们的佳绩不敢居功,这都是王文坂校长的功劳。 他也感谢圣母昆仲会、董事部、家教协会、校友会、教师和家长们的全力支持与鼓励,让学校的表现更上一层楼。


Majlis Persaraan Pengetua

En.Ong Boon Puah J.M.W

        八打灵公教中学校长王文坂J.M.W214(星期二)的荣休典礼上,结束了他在公教53个月的校长生涯,为自己36年的教育工作历程划下完美的句点。 如今告别杏坛,王校长可谓春风化雨,桃李满天下。他在公教掌校期间,为本校的发展与贡献有目共睹。

王校长在教育界表现卓越,曾于19932007年获得教育部颁发卓越服务奖。2006年获得卓越校长DG52 2008年获得卓越校长DG54 。在2012年更获得最高元首赐封Johan Mahkota Wilayah (J.M.W.)

董事长丹斯里林福山在致词时表示指出, 在王文坂校长掌校时, 一直都让他感到很放心, 他真的是一名可信赖的校长。他也称赞王校长推动新时代教学模式,配合优质教育的理念。学校展开多项教学改革策略,提升学生的 软实力,建立积极的心态和健康的人格,让学生承担更多责任,以应付新世纪的挑战。王校长的精神在于确立有意义的价值观, 一旦这样的价值观传承下去,可以让公教中学在优良的校风和环境下保持佳绩,并且更上一层楼。

王文坂校长致词时表示,他对自己可以在公教中学服务感到荣幸。 这所学校的学生纪律良好、学术和课外活动的表现很标青, 这都有赖于前辈、圣母昆仲会、董事部、校友会和家教协协会全体理事的领导、以及教师和家长们的配合。此外,他也感恩太太无怨 无悔为家庭的付出,让他可以无牵无挂地发挥所长。

当天出席荣休会的嘉宾还包括教育部副部长特别事务官刘孋纯、雪州教育局代表沙扎里、县教育局代表卡里、圣母昆仲会东亚省会长 赵通强修士、家协主席韩川畴、校友会主席方贵伦国会议员等人。

荣休会上,教育部、圣母昆仲会、董事会、校友会、家协、各校校长、前任校长和退休老师们,大学、学院代表、老师及学生代表们纷纷上台赠送纪念品,学生们也呈 献了他们特别为王校长精心准备的表演。最后,王校长在董事们与来宾们的陪同,以及师生们的热情欢送下,与大家握手拥抱后,挥泪离去。


Majlis Persaraan Pengetua SMJK Katholik, En Ong Boon Puah J.M.W telah diadakan pada 14 Februari 2017, pukul 9.00 pagi bertempat di Dewan Brother Philippe Wu. Semasa perarakan masuk ke  dewan, Tuan Pengetua dan para tetamu telah dihiburkan dengan persembahan  yang berlangsung di Dewan Kuliah, Dataran Sejarah, Anjung Kasih . Tuan Pengetua dan  para tetamu berjalan masuk ke dewan dengan diiringi pancaragam sekolah dan tarian singa.

Majlis dimulakan  dengan ucapan daripada wakil guru, Pengerusi Lembaga Pengelola Sekolah  Tan Sri Lim Hock San, wakil dari Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Selangor, En. Sazali Bin Baharudin. Majlis diteruskan dengan adanya penyampaian cenderamata daripada Lembaga Pengelola, PIBG, Alumni, Pengetua-pengetua Daerah Petaling Utama, bekas Pengetua dan guru, wakil universiti,guru-guru dan murid-murid. Tuan Pengetua juga mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang membantunya dan berharap sekolah kekal gemilang dan terbilang pada masa hadapan.

    Sebelum salam perpisahan dilakukan, telah diadakan beberapa persembahan oleh guru dan pelajar sebagai kenangan terakhir tuan pengetua bersama para guru, staf dan pelajar SMJK Katholik.


click for large image

“走, 去学校”
Pelancaran Program
" Jom ke Sekolah"

        Program "Jom ke sekolah" telah dilancarkan pada 6hb  Februari 2017, semasa perhimpunan. Program "Jom ke sekolah" merupakan satu strategi KPM bersama-sama PDRM, bagi menarik minat murid hadir ke sekolah.
        Pegawai Perhubungan Polis, Inspektor Tham Mau Mau Yee telah membaca perutusan Ketua Polis Negara, sementara Pn.Susan Leong, Ketua Unit Disiplin membaca perutusan Menteri Pendidikan Malaysia.

春 晖
Karnival Tahun Baru Cina 2017

本 校于1月23日至1月25日 上午9时至下午4时 在历史广场举办2017 年春晖。
此 项活动宗旨 为了发扬与推广中华文化与美德及增添校园春节气氛。活动包括彩鸡画、剪纸学习、书法和水墨画指导等等。

Mesyuarat Permuafakatan Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan  II YB Senator Datuk Chong Sin Woon  bersama Pengetua SMJK Conforming
国民型华文中学教育    圆桌会议

教育部副部长拿督张盛闻上议员披露教育部已和全国国民型华文中学校长理事会达成协议,将在近期内展开调查与分析,以收集过去 几年有关华中的华文及华裔师资方面的数据。

这项由全国国民型华文中学校长理事会举办的“国民型华文中学教育圆桌会议”是于2017123日上午830分,假八打灵公教国民型华 文中学讲堂成功举行。教育部副部长拿督张盛闻上议员特拨冗出席有关会议,并针对华中教育问题,与来自全国的国民型校长展开对话与交流。

这项会议共有来自全国75所国民型中学的校长出席了 会议,其中包括了全国国民型华文中学校长理事会顾问吴文宝先生、主席陈德祥校长、副主席林兴南校长和秘书王文坂校长等。

家 教协会会员大会暨2016年中三校本评估考试优异生颁奖礼
Mesyuarat Agung PIBG 2017 dan Penyampaian Hadiah kepada murid-murid cemerlang PT3 2016


    家教协会代主席韩川畴先生和王文坂校长先后上台致开幕辞。韩川畴先生表扬去年在初中三 评 估考试中考获佳绩的学生,希望他们能再接再厉创造佳绩。王文坂校长则感谢这一年来老师的努力和家长的配合,使公中成绩有着显著的进步。共有204初 中三评估考试中获得7个至10A 考生都受邀上台领取的奖状和奖牌。接着,2017/2018家协理事投选正式开始。在场的家长皆踊跃参与,分别提出不少候选人。经过一 番投票与计 票后,新一届的家教协会理事名单出炉了。韩川畴先生当选家协主席,而家协副主席则为张怡成先生。新出炉的家协主席 致谢辞后,紧接着的便是家 长提出提案与讨论环节。家教协会会员大会于傍晚630分圆满结束.

    家教协会不仅是家长与教师的沟通桥梁,也肩负关注改善学生福利的重任。希望在新一届家教协会理事的紧密合作下为 公中师生们提供一个更舒适的学习环境

Majlis Persaraan   Pn. Ya Wun Mooi

本校于1月 20 日 举行荣休会,欢送副校长叶银妹正式荣休,董事部与家教协会执委、圣母昆仲会代表家长、校友皆出席仪式,场面显得依依不舍。

本校校长王文坂校长表示,叶副校长为杏坛服务数十载,可说是桃李满天下。他感谢叶银妹副校长对教育事业的执著与付出,尤其是对公教的热爱和贡献。 他希望叶副校长退休后能常回校探望师生们。

叶副校长在发表退休感言时,她感谢老师们在她担任副校长之时的合作,以及给予她的祝福。她也希望同学们修好品德及在学业上加 倍努力。学校就如她第二个家般,同事和学生们就如家人一样,大家不分彼此互相协助,共同在一个屋檐下为教学工作,使她感到万分不舍。


Doodle Painting Workshop(Year of Rooster)

    为了配合丁酉年的到来,传承年画的精神和意义。学校在1 月 19 日(星期四) 下午1时至三时进行了一场集体彩鸡行善迎新春活动。

    这项活动是由ALFA  学院团队带领。一共有五百七十余位中一同学参与这项活动的。首先他们向学生们讲解年画的来源与其意义,稍后工作人员开始分发 印上年画图案的图画纸给各班级同学。各班同学们分别用木颜色笔、水彩等颜料上色,并在区区一小时半完成彩色与拼排工作,以完成一幅巨型年画。当同学们完成 功拼排年华时,都高兴得鼓掌喝彩,顿时礼堂洋溢着浓得化不开的新年气氛。

    活动展延至三时三十分才圆满结束。ALFA  学院挑了其中两幅以作为慈善筹款之途,其余十二幅则捐赠给学校作为春晖活动的布置之用。这项有意义的活动不但让同学有机会接 触中华文化-年画,也从中培养同学们之间的合作精神.

Hari Kokurikulum

113日上午830分,2017年课外活动 招生在本校吴酉俊大礼堂如期举行。

学生们纷纷 选择自己喜欢的活动项目报名,也有不少家长陪同孩子们来到现场咨询活动开设的情况。现场人潮拥挤,热闹非凡。

王文坂校长披 露,课外活动和课程本身同等重要,本校历来把课外活动列入学分制的一门必修课程,每位学生至少参与一项制服团 体、学会或球类活动,校方将根据学生的出席、参与、职位及表现作出评估。今年校方开设丰富多彩的课外活动项目,让学生依据自己的兴趣、爱好、时间等自主选 择内容,自主学习,进而展现才能、提升素质,将来能够借由自己得到充分发展的能力和个人素质走向社会或进入更高等的学府深造.


本校于1112日在吴酉俊修士礼堂举办了“情牵六十,再创辉煌” 一甲子的感恩校庆晚宴。当晚筵开58席,场面热闹。 

王文坂校长表示,公教有今天的成绩,要感谢前辈们的付出及贡献。 公中大家庭的各成员将继续为本校努力,期望学校未来日子更上一 层楼, 努力教育莘莘学子。

本校董事长丹斯里林福山表示公教中学60年来薪火相传, 不但累积了丰富的办学经验和雄厚的办学实力,更创下辉煌与灿烂的成绩。这些成就都要归功于圣母昆仲会、董事部、家教协会、校友会,全体家长及师生们的无私 奉献与辛勤耕耘。 公中每一分子都应铭记学校的光荣使命,不断的奋斗,继续开创下一甲子的辉煌。

圣母昆仲会东亚省会省长赵通强表 示前辈们凭着信念以决心,社会热心人士捐助,公中得以发展,希望大家保持这份信念,继续为学校付出,让学校迈向更高峰。

当晚除了 有精彩表演外,也进行了 赠送60周年特刊、切蛋糕仪式及颁发10152025年 的教师长期服务奖,以感谢在学校服务多年的教师。潘玉兰老师是唯一获得25年教师长期服务奖的老 师

出席嘉宾包括圣母昆仲会东亚省省长赵通强修士、家协副主席韩川畴、校友会会长兼武吉免登国会议员方贵伦、校友会第一会长拿督 钟侑霖等。 不少退休校长、教师、校友、学生及家长也参与其盛,现场洋溢一片欢乐气氛。





好消息, 60周年校庆特刊如期在‘一甲子的感恩’ 校庆晚宴出炉了!由黄幼玲副校长策划,督导,查找零星史科,撰写,并在手下陈秀珍师,郑佩梅师及胡秀霞师的积极配合下,这本特刊图文并茂地记载了公教过去 的发展,历届三大机构诸公和校方领导一览表,加上一年来的系列钻禧庆祝项目等等内容,饶富参考价值和收藏意义,是公教史上的首例。


有意收藏此精美装特刊的家长,可通过孩子,乐捐至少RM30 在中午12.30 – 6.30之间,直接找陈秀珍老师(课外活动副校长室)。

第56 届 高中 暨 第32届大学先修班毕业典礼



is a celebration....
A time for looking back on lessons learned,
adventures shared, bright moments filled
with special meaning.

is a farewell...
A time for saying goodbye to old friends,
to good times you have known ... a time for
packing away memories, 
treasures for tomorrow.

is a beginning.....
A time for looking forward,
a time to set new goals,
to dream new dreams, to try your wings and see what lies beyond.

Here's wishing all of you Good Luck
and Success all through your life !

Best wishes,
From all in CHSPJ

Text and photograher :
 Pn.Chee Yai Chu

Majlis Persaraan         Cik Poon Yoke Lan



Especially for Ms.Poon
As you are retire,
Remember the past with fondness,
Look to the future with eagerness,
Live each moment to the fullest.

Blessed retirement

Text: Pn.Chee Yai Chu.
Photo credits:
Mr.Lim KS and Mdm.Yong SH

 中 马书法教育交流会

Ceramah Peningkatan Mutu  Tulisan Kaligrafi Cina

     自郑和下西洋至今六百余年,“一带一路” 中马文化交流之旅再次印证马中邦交友好关系。在此,公教中学有幸被选为国内华文中学代表,获得机会参与这千载难逢的文化交流活动。

        2016812日,上午十时,校园洋溢着欢愉的气氛,吴酉俊大礼堂更飘 来阵阵的墨香味。学校各制服团体已列队拉好横幅以示欢迎“ 一带一路”中国书画艺术团队的莅临。这一支团队是中国全国政协常委兼中国书法家协会主席苏士澍、中国全国 政协委员 、中国美术家协会顾问、班禅画师尼玛泽仁和北京王雪涛纪念馆馆长兼中国写意画鸟画家徐健率领等,总共有30位中 国书画界代表。

     由于班机延误,交流团队于上午十一时三十分才驾到。然而这一切却没有浇熄公中学子们的热情。交流团队的到来受到公中醒狮的热烈欢迎。之后,嘉 宾们到仁爱轩与校长及四大机构代表合影,为这历史性的一刻留下记忆。紧接着,嘉宾一行人移步到礼堂,观看公中学生习写书法。礼堂右边亦设有学生作品展览, 以供嘉宾观赏。苏主席在巡视学生们习写书法时也不忘给予学生点评,让学生获益良多。苏主席更赞扬现场两名非华裔学生写书法不错。过后苏主席也不吝于在现场 挥毫,并慷慨地把两幅墨宝赠予公中以祝贺我校建校60周年。投我以 桃,报之以李,公中也回赠潘美霓和张嘉辉的作品给对方留念。

   值得一提的是,在交流会中苏主席也为学生带来了中国写字派学习系统现场演示,让来学生们大开眼界。由于时间紧凑,彼此只能进行短暂的交流。虽 然如此,但却令学生们获益匪浅。通过中国书画界的名师给予的指导,苏主席现场挥毫,大大提高学生们对书艺的兴趣,同时也对中国文化精髓有更深的认识。我们 希望能有更多类似机会,让学生能从中有所得益。



Laporan media

click for large image

Diamond   Jubilee Carnival      60周年校庆嘉年华

公教国民型华文中学于731日在校园内举办了“情牵六十, 再创辉煌”公教60校庆嘉年华。



嘉年华是公教中学建校60周年的盛大活动。当天设有约70个摊位,其中包括多样化的食物和饮料、咖啡馆、歌曲点播、幸运抽奖、各学会展览、校史简介、精彩舞台表演,以及充满创意的室内外游戏,包 括沿绳下降、水上滑梯、充气攀岩活动、鬼屋等,让出席者尽情享受其中乐趣。

值得一提的是,这些活动主要都由学生们负责,让他们展现才华及发挥潜能。许多校友都趁此机会回返母校重温旧梦,并深深怀念: 回家真好!


  Diamond Jubilee Carnival POSTER





CHS Diamond Jubilee


‘Stop, Rewind, Play,’ is the chosen theme for this year’s CHS Diamond Jubilee Campfire. The campfire was held at night on 16th July 2016 and it was organized concurrently with our annual leadership camp which was held on the 14th to 17th July 2016.


Previously, the Scouts and Girl Guides would alternatively organize the campfire annually. This year, a first in our school’s history, members of Scouts and Girl Guides joined forces to organise this special event. The committee are from the 9th Petaling Scout Group, 8th PJ Coy and 16th PJ Unit Rangers.

On the night of the campfire, the VIPs were welcomed into the hall at 7.30pm. The Diamond Jubilee Campfire began with a bang where a roll call was made.  All the troupes represented at the camp identified themselves, followed by giving out of souvenirs to the representatives of the uniformed bodies from the 14 participating schools. Schools represented at the camp were from W.P Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Melaka. Next, our principal, Mr. Ong Boon Puah, delivered his welcoming speech followed by a speech from the Vice Chairman of the School Board of Governors, Dato Tommy Kok.

Our school’s choir kicked off the nights performance with a powerful rendition of the songs ‘Stand By Me’, ‘Rather Be’, ‘Can’t Take My Eyes of You’, and ‘Heal the World’. Then, a few students from the Diabolo team entertained the audience with their skills and dazzling play of the Chinese Yoyo. This was followed by a video presentation about the theme of this campfire night.

During the 15 minutes interval, the participants enjoyed some light refreshments. The participants were also given the opportunity to toast marshmallows at the tripod roasting sets that were skilfully built by the scouts.

Next, our school band, Sinfonietta performed a few songs which include the upbeat hit song by Pharrel with the title, ‘Happy.’ The form 3 Scouts and Girl Guides also performed a dance. After the rain stopped, everyone gathered at the assembly ground for the fire lighting ceremony which concludes the CHS Diamond Jubilee Campfire for Year 2016.

Mdm Audrey Kho Hui Yen

Diamond Jubilee                 Musical Extravaganza

情 牵六十大汇演

On the 25th of June 2016, our school organised the Diamond Jubilee Musical Extravaganza in celebration of the school’s 60th anniversary. At 7.30 pm, the VIPs were welcomed into the hall accompanied by the Lion Dance troupe.

The event commenced with the opening dance presented by the Cultural and Theatre Club titled ‘The Surge’. Through the lively beat of the drums and powerful movements of the dancers, the audience was welcomed to join the journey of life at Catholic High School. Next, several CHS alumni sang a medley of songs that represented the school. Following that was a speech from the Chairman of the School Board of Governors, Tan Sri Lim Hock San.


After the speech, the Chinese Yoyo team showed off their skills to the song ‘Let It Go’. The Wushu team then wowed the crowd with a performance called ‘The Art of Wu-lin’. The school band gave a stunning performance of ‘When The Saints Go Marching In’ and the Sinfonietta played ‘Coldplay’s Viva La Vida’ and ‘Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal’.

After a 15 minute intermission, the Chinese Orchestra continued the second half of the concert with a song called Dragons Rising and Tigers Leaping. This was followed by a performance of a song called Metamorphosis by the Harmonica and Guitar band. The concert was ended with the Diamond Jubilee Medley performed by the choir, Chinese Orchestra, school band, Sinfonietta and Harmonica and Guitar Band. Deafening applause and cheers reverberated across the hall, grandly ending the night with a bang.



六 十周年校庆感恩弥撒


Another highlight for Catholic High School's Diamond Jubilee celebration was the Thanksgiving Mass. On the 24 th of June, a special Mass was celebrated in Dewan Bro. Philippe Wu. The main celebrant was His Grace Archbishop Julian Leow and con celebrated by 4 other priests. The Mass was well attended by the Marist Brothers, FMM Sisters, Parishioners from St Francis Xavier Church, Catholic residents from section 10, members of the school board, alumni, teachers and students.

The Mass was animated by the Catholic Students while the hymns were led by CHS Junior Choir.
His Grace Archbishop Julian blessed all the students and teachers at the end of the Mass.
After the Mass, all invited guests were treated to a simple lunch.
Text: Mr.Eugene Morais

click for large image


In conjunction with Catholic High School Diamond Jubilee celebration, 1,523,677 pens are used to create the biggest logo using recycled pens.The pens are sourced from students, teachers and stationery suppliers such as Pelikan and Popular.

Collecting the pens and canvases for the logo base, as well as the rainy weather was challenging but it was worth all the effort as CHSPJ has set a national record in the Malaysia Book of Records for completing the biggest logo using recycled pens.

Special thanks to En William Samuel and all the Sixth Form students. We are very proud of all of you and we salute you - mighty CHSians!

Well done and congratulations to all in CHSPJ  !

Text:                                                      Photo credits:
Pn.Chee Yai Chu                                      
En. Lim Kian Siong

为了配合八打灵公教中学今年创校60,本校中六学生构思用回收笔拼凑校庆标志。这项计划筹备了6 个月,通过校内外,募集了逾1523677支笔,完成拼凑校庆标志工程,并成功列入了大马记录大全,成为大马最大型以笔拼成的标志。最大校庆标志的体积为40米长27.1 米宽。这由102名中六学生所缔造的历史,为今年钻石银禧校庆增添色彩。

早上8时正,八打灵公教中学董事长丹斯里林福山家协副主席韩川畴、两大机构代表及校长、副校长已在校园门口等待马来西亚记录大全评委会的到来。8 30分,该评委会官员鲁阿斯京及研究分析员叶淑芬抵步。经过一番审查与验证,评委会鲁官员阿斯京终于将手中的“马来 西亚记录大全之最大型以笔拼成的标志”证书颁发给八打灵公教中学董事长丹斯里林福山手中。顿时场面反应热烈,老师学生拍手欢呼,公教中学再次 破大马记录。

公教中学于2002年曾经使用1仙硬币创出大马最大地图,今年是第二次本校获得马来西亚纪录大全证书。董事长丹斯里林福山表示希望此活动打破世界纪录,列入 吉尼斯世界纪录。

Teacher Day 2016         27.05.2016


Dear Teacher, 
Thank You 

For Continually Inspires me to do my best 

You help me strive for goals,  I found guidance, friendship, discipline and love, everything, in one person. 

And that person is you
Happy Teacher's Day


  庆典在校长和家教协会副主席的致词后拉开帷幕。校长和副家协主席借此机会向老师致谢,希望学生能感受老师们的付出,进而懂得尊师 和感恩老师的教导。随后,公中醒狮团上台表演为今天的庆典助兴。与此同时,台上也进行老师与嘉宾进行切蛋糕仪式和颁发纪礼物仪式。接着就是同学们最期待的 表演环节了。

第一场表演是由中三的学长们精心准备的舞蹈。他们的帅气打扮与整齐的步伐,获得台下热烈的掌声。因台下的学生要求,数位老师 也大方地上台与学长们跳舞。接下来,六对男女中三学生呈现了拉丁舞蹈。紧接着是华文学会扯玲队的演出,与往年不同的是,今年他们以荧光扯玲呈现表演,让大 家大开眼界。

此外,日本学会也为师生们准备了日本传统舞蹈(Yosakoi),让大家跟进一步了解日本的文化。数位中三学生也借此机会谢师恩,呈现自己改编的歌。美妙的歌声配上创意与动人的歌词,让 师生们不仅听出耳油,也感触良多。

最后压轴好戏的是中六学生的表演。他们以栩栩如生的化妆和服装,跳了迈克尔·杰克逊 颤栗(Thriller) 。此外,张元瑞同学也为师生们准备了精彩绝伦的表演—变脸。他的表演吸引了不少观众的注意力,让观众们目不转 睛,现场掌声连连。


老师们在这一天特别开心。到处可见到老师与心爱的学生们拍照留恋,更露出少见的甜蜜笑容。希望这一天是老师们最难忘的一天, 也希望老师们天天都能这样快快乐乐地笑。


蔡欣慈 3A2



Another year, another sports day. This year’s sports day was like none other.

The early mornings of sports days are just so melancholic. Fresh wisps of air, morning dew on top of leaves, the auburn coloured morning sky... It makes it even more special that this year’s sports day will also be in conjunction with the school’s 60th anniversary.

Students were seen wearing their sports house shirts with smiles on their faces, in anticipation of what lay ahead that day.

The events officially started once the school band played their marching tune, followed by the house marchers behind them. The programme was then continued with the singing of the national anthem, an oath and a speech from the Head of the school’s Board of Governors, Tan Sri Lim Hock San. After that, the school’s sports captain, Kieran Choong, passed a lit Olympic-esque torch to Tan Sri Lim Hock San, as a symbol of the beginning of the sports day.

The first few events of the day were of course the sprinting events. This was followed by the formation performances by the marchers of every sports house. The marchers put on a spectacular performance, each house showcasing creative formations and house cheers.

Later on, more sporting events were held and as the day progressed it was becoming clearer who the final house champion would be.

As the sports day was coming to a close, a sea of people began to gather in the middle of field. When the honorary guests were giving out the prizes to the winners, thunderous cheers were heard, and more importantly there were smiles all around.

By the end of the ceremony, the overall house champion was announced. This year, Green house was crowned as the overall champion of this year’s sports event.

朝气蓬勃的清晨,校园内挤满了热情澎湃的人潮,红蓝青黄紫,甚是壮观。林木生多元体育中心外更是搭建了各运动组别筹备数个月 的帐篷。这些帐篷是各组组员利用各种回收物精心设计出来的杰作,装饰的主题分别有红组的日本文化、蓝组的阿拉丁神话、青组的公主与青蛙、黄组的维尼熊世 界、以及紫组的童话故事,成为了操场的焦点。

七时三十分公教中学第六十届常年运动会在董事长丹斯里林福山致辞后拉开序幕。首先是本校铜乐队带领各组健儿的操步仪式。本届 运动员代表钟劲前同学宣誓之后,各项比赛竞技正式开始。这时学生们不惜顶着大太阳,扯着嗓子为各组卖命的运动员们打气,让健儿们士气高涨,勇往前进。

激烈的各项赛式结束 后,便是压轴好戏的到来。为了配合了公中六十周年校庆庆典,本届运动嘉年华会特别穿 插了两项马来民间游戏 - 拉摈榔叶比赛以及椰 子草地滚球比赛。当嘉宾与老师们受邀参与这两项游戏时,运动会的场面再次陷入一片沸腾中

最后,赛绩终于出炉 了,黄组不负众望摘下了操步比赛与帐篷设计比赛的双料得主,而表现出色的青组则以高分成为今年度的全场总冠军,红组与紫组紧随其后。运动会在各组健儿的绕 场一圈后正式结束。所有为运动会付出精力、牺牲时间的同学都是赢家,他们在过程中付梓的汗与泪必然成为中学生涯中难以忘怀的回忆。

陈晴 Chang Cheng 3A4



            当天上午八时正,礼堂已弥漫了学生与家长欢愉喜悦的气氛。颁奖典礼在全体出席者高唱国歌和州歌后掀开序幕。首先是王文坂校长 与董事长丹斯里林福山局绅上台致词。他们分别表扬得奖者在在学术以及课外活动上出色的表现外,还为他们杰出的成就引以为荣。他们希望学生们能再接再厉,借 此立志向上,以创造精彩的人生,攀上成功的阶级。

在大会司仪的公布下,得奖者们一个个面带笑容且自信地步上台领奖。他们的努力终于结成了丰硕的成果,受到大家的肯定与瞩目。 这一次所颁发的奖项包括课外活动团体及学会杰出奖,各年级优秀学生奖,大马教育文凭以及大马高等教育文凭卓越成绩奖。

            最后,颁奖礼来到高潮,既是宣布两项最高荣誉奖 --  2015年度模范生与最佳运动员。2015年男女模范生奖分别落在品学兼优的刘宇捷同学以及莫晓琪同学;而最佳男女运动员奖则不负众望,分别落在叱咤乒乓球坛的国手梁 志锋同学以及篮球高手李廷穎同学。颁奖典礼于11时正圆满落幕,嘉宾与师长们受邀到讲堂外享用午餐。

 郭凯伦Kok K ai Lun 5S9 报导


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Tarikh:   13 April 2016                
Terima kasih kepada Pasukan Bomba dan semua warga sekolah yang telah menjayakan projek ini.



Congratulations on your retirement!

By the way, we have to admit that your energy and enthusiasm for school, students and especially to Yellow House are the toughest benchmark to beat at work. 

Thank you for all the hard work.    We will miss you.

From all in CHS, PJ.

On the 24th of March, we celebrated the retirement of a beloved teacher – Mr. Cedric Chan. Mr. Cedric has contributed a great deal to the school as an English, Geography and Art teacher, and especially as the teacher advisor of the CHS Yellow House.

The ceremony commenced as soon as the students settled in the hall after an early recess. Mr. Cedric, his family and the VIPs entered the hall to cheers of hurrah and thunderous applause. Then the round of speeches began. Our principal, Mr. Ong Boon Puah took to the stage to thank Mr. Cedric for his contributions to Catholic High School.  Mr. Cedric then proceeded to give a speech which comprised of three parts- his journey with God, his teaching career and his advice to the students.

The highly anticipated performances began shortly after. Madam Susan and her entourage of colleagues, also known as Friends of Cedric performed a song specially arranged for Mr. Cedric. After that, Mr. Cedric’s Form 3 students danced and sang in appreciation of Mr. Cedric’s teaching. The Form 5 Yellow House members also presented a drama regarding the unforgettable antics of Mr. Cedric and his efforts in helping Yellow House reach greater feats.

Mr. Cedric then took to the stage to cut his birthday cake. As the ceremony came to an end, we bade farewell to Mr. Cedric as he was escorted out of the hall with the VIPs. We will always remember Mr. Cedric as the most enthusiastic and friendly teacher who always goes above and beyond for his students.

Thank you Mr. Cedric. Happy Retirement!

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STPM  和 SPM 成绩放榜

八打公教中学在政府考中再佳音,报连连。在甫放榜的大教育文凭考(STPM)本校考生以3.05总积分,八打灵县学校和全雪州第二名。 2015年共有40名考生。全科及格率100%。当中有5名学生考5A

成双,教育文凭(SPM)成也高奏本校的学校平均积分(GPS)达2.03分,及格率为99.8% ,在八打灵再也县內继续荣获第一,全雪州位列三甲! 校在2015年共有524名学生应考,其中全科A的学生有39名(7.43%), 获12A共有3名(0.57%)、11A 12名(2.29%)、10A51名(9.71%)和9A 90名(17.14%)共有156名学生考获9A或以上的优异外,在18科参与考试科目中,3科,即是歷史、高级数学和文,有一人不及格之外,其余的15个科目皆获100%的及格率。

王文坂校表示,公教中学的学生能考取好成,是因为该校向来推行全能教育,要求学生在唸之余,不忘个人素良性格的培王校希望学生在往后的日子要积极向上,成一个社会国家有的好人, 无在什都要尽力做到最好。王校也感本校老四大机及家长长的支持与鼓励,学生

oleh En.Azlee b Ab Rahim  (05/03/2016)





在全体出席者高唱国歌、州歌以及校歌后,家教协会主席陈维通先生和王文坂校长先后上台致开幕辞。陈维通先生表扬去年在初中三 评估考试中考获佳绩的学生,希望他们能再接再厉创造佳绩。王文坂校长则感谢这一年来老师的努力和家长的配合,使公中成绩有着显著的进步。

接着颁奖典礼正式开始。所有在初中三评估考试中获得7个至10A的 考生都受邀上台领取的奖状和奖牌。台上学生领奖的喜悦,台下师长热烈的掌声,礼堂顿时沉浸在一片欢愉的气氛中。稍后,校长也借此机会颁发纪念品给2015/2016家协理事,感谢他们在过去一年里为学校做出的贡献。

茶点过后,2016/2017家协理事投选正式开始。首先是威廉老师与林燕华老师讲解投选的进行方式。在场的家长皆踊跃参与,分别提出不少候选人。经过一 番投票与计票后,新一届的家教协会理事名单出炉了。陈维通先生再度蝉联家协主席,而家协副主席则为韩川畴先生。新出炉的家协主席致谢辞后,紧接着的便是家 长提出提案与讨论环节。家教协会会员大会于傍晚630分圆满结束

家教协会不仅是家长与教师的沟通桥梁,也肩负关注改善学生福利的重任。希望在新一届家教协会理事的紧密合作下, 为公中师生们提供一个更舒适的学习环境




On the 20th of February 2016, our school held its annual cross-country event, but with a slight twist. CHS, our school is celebrating her 60th anniversary this year and thus the annual cross country race was renamed the “CHS Diamond Jubilee Road Run” where the alumni and parents too were invited to take part in this event.

On the morning of the road run, the atmosphere was one filled with excitement. Before the run started, everyone did warm-ups together. Once the horn was blared to signal the start of the run, the faster, more determined runners sprinted ahead with the hope of receiving a medal at the end of the day; with the hope of bringing glory to their respective sports houses. Others jogged slowly and leisurely, enjoying the beautiful morning with their friends.

Throughout the journey to the finish line, one might have heard cheers from teachers and fellow runners, the huffs and puffs of runners who were getting tired and the birds chirping from high above. There were also on-duty members of uniformed bodies who were waving their hands and guiding runners along the very challenging running paths.

By the end of the run, everyone was tired and the school canteen was crammed with students who quenched their thirst or shoved food into their grumbling bellies.

Around 11:15am, everyone was ushered into the sports centre and told to sit according to their respective sports houses. During the prize-giving ceremony, names of winners were announced; cheers were heard. High-spirited house cheers and chants of each sports house accentuated the occasion.

The event ended at 12:30pm. As a whole, the road run was considered a success and everyone enjoyed it. More importantly, the CHS Diamond Jubilee Road Run was a significant event in the history of our beloved school. 

Written by
Jeremy Koh

为了欢庆农历新年,让学生认识中华文化,感受浓厚的传统 文化气息,八打灵公教国民型华 文中学华文学会21日(星期一)上午时三十分在周会广场,举办一场别开生面的丙申年春晖开幕礼。

董事长丹斯里林福山在开幕典礼上表示,农历新年是华人一 年当中最为隆重和深具意义的节日。在马来西亚,欢庆新春不仅是迎接新一年的到来,更具有延续华人的根之传统意义,并且展现华人群体的文化特色。春晖是八打灵公教国民型华文中学华文学会历年的重点活动。每一年,学校董事部与家教协会 都会给予鼎力支持,出钱出力,在礼堂前搭建帐篷,让学生筹办新春花市。他希望通过春晖的一系列新春活动,能让本校学子们进一步了解中华文化,进而将这历史 悠久的传统文化继续传承下去。。除此之外,他也相信春晖里展现的中庸精神与包容的态度,能促进校园里各种族师生之间的团结。


此外,王文坂校长也在致辞上提及“一年之计 在于春,一日之计在于晨”。他表示“一年之计在于春”这至理名言是我们祖先在千百年的生产实践中总结出来的经验,它 强调了春在一年四季中所占的重要位置,意指一年的计划要在春天考虑安排。比喻凡事要早做打算,开头要抓紧。要在一年开始时多做并做好工作,为全年的工作打 好基础。而一日之计在于晨则说明一天最好的时间是早上,可以开始新的计划,新的起点。这句话也体现出了早晨的宝贵。他希望学生们在新的一年会珍惜宝贵的青 春,创造出奇迹和美好的未来。

由于今年是丙申年,也称为猴年,故春晖“水 帘洞”为的主题。“水帘洞”是《西游记》里孙悟空的住家,而孙悟空也成为是这次春晖的重要人物。春晖主要划分为展示 区和售卖区。展示区将展示一系列与新春佳节相关的文化艺术如书法、绘画等;售卖区则售卖新春精品、文房四宝、风味小吃等。另外,华文学会也配合春晖庆典, 举办挥春比赛、扯铃表演等活动。这项新春活动维持一星期之久。

(符传婷 、谢舒询 、黄柔恩 、吴薇琪  、欧若妤 联合报道)

60th Anniversary Celebration


Murmurs of excitement reverberated through the crowd of students slowly gathering in the hall. At long last, the day had arrived, the day to launch a year-long celebration to mark 60 years of excellence in nurturing and producing young talents.

After the morning bell, the entire student body eagerly filed into the hall, waiting the launching of our beloved Catholic High School’s 60th anniversary celebration. It is quite astonishing that in this time, we have expanded from a small missionary school to an exemplary cluster school of excellence. Following that, with deafening applause the students welcomed the VIP’s which comprise our school administrators, PIBG board members and Marist brothers. The singing of the national anthem, state anthem and school anthem followed soon.

The school principal, Mr. Ong Boon Puah took to the rostrum to deliver a concise yet moving speech about the school and its rich history. Tan Sri Dato’ Lim Hock San, PIBG chairman Mr. Kenny Tan as well as Brother Robert Teoh delivered their speeches respectively, each addressing various issues about the school and highlighting the school’s vibrant past. The students were all enlightened about the school’s interesting past.

Following that, there was a video screening that journeyed down Catholic High School’s eventful timeline. The entire hall was entranced by the eye-opening journey down the school’s 60 years of rich history. From being an all boys’ school to becoming a co-ed school, from transforming from a quaint little school to one of the best in the state, the evolution of Catholic High School has been simply stunning to say the least. The video gave an insight to the very foundations of the school and the unsung efforts of the various headmasters and teachers in ensuring that the school performs to its maximum potential.

After that, the VIP’s gathered onstage to unfurl a banner to officially mark the beginning of the year-long celebration of Catholic High School’s 60th anniversary. There was also a tree planting ceremony at the field  in commemoration  of our school’s anniversary.

60 years of nurturing the best talents the country has to offer is an outstanding achievement. May this celebration signal the beginning of many generations of talent to come from our one and only Catholic High School!

Matthew Ooi 5S3



东流逝水,叶落纷纷,荏苒的时光悄悄地开启了新的篇章。盼了一 年,一年一度的课外活动招生日又在115日这美好的星期五降临在公教中学礼堂内外了。清晨时分,各个学 会以及制服团体的会员们在礼堂用各种各样代表自己学会的装饰品,横幅,彩灯等开始布置自己的摊位,务必将自己的摊位变成全场最夺目的,以便吸引更多新会 员。

                上午9时, 课外活动招生日的开幕仪式正式开始了。校长及家协主席致词后,课外活动招生日就在同学们兴奋的心情下正式开始了!此时,礼堂内外已是满满的人潮,其中还有 一些会员拿着布告板穿梭在人群中招生。会员们使尽浑身解数费尽三寸不烂之舌来说服同学们加入自己的学会,有些学会还售卖各种精美的小饰品来吸引每位同学。 此外有些学会还上台表演,用尽了平时都看不到的创意来使表演更加刺激更加精彩,成功博得了大部分同学的眼球与尖叫声。

                时光总是 在不知不觉间一点一点地流逝,转眼间课外活动招生日在同学们疲惫,但高兴的气氛下落幕了。各个学会开始收拾各自的摊子并开始结算一日下来收到的新会员以及 销售额。虽然雨滴在此时落下了,但也无法掩饰会员们为了学会不辞辛苦而收获到成果的喜悦。

郭凯伦Kok Kai Lun 5S9


2015 年初中三评估考试PT3 成绩放榜

The results of Form Three Assessment (PT3) Examination had been released nationwide on 14 December 2015.  Our school students of performed a great and excellent result this year.

The overall pass rate for 2015 (96.20%) has been increasing for 9.81% compared to the overall passing rate for 2014 (86.39%). GPS of the school also improved from 1.88 (2014) to 1.67.

19 students (3.44%) who score 10As ; 72 students (13.02%) who score 9As ; 74 students (13.38%) who score 8As and 84 students who score 7As (15.19%).

In fact, the pass rates for different subjects in PT3 examination have greatly improved. The pass rate for Malay Language (Written Test) is 99.46% ; Malay Language (Oral Test), English Language (Written Test), English Language (Oral Test),  Islamic Studies, Living Skills (ERT), Living Skill (PK) and Living Skill (KT) are 100%.;  History and Geography are 99.82% ; Chinese Language is 99.46%;    Mathematics is 98.73%  and Science is 97.65%. In a nutshell, all the students have done a great performance in this PT3 examination.


马来西亚中三评估考试 (PT3) 的成绩已在 2015 12 14 日在全国发布。很荣幸的 是,公教中学的学生在这次的考试取得了优秀的成绩。全校平均等级为1.67分, 与往年的1.88分相比进步了0.21分。 王文坂校长对今年的成绩感到满意。 他感谢老师、家长和同学们的努力让学校的成绩大跃进。他强调学生尽力就好,不要太在意有无考获A等。王校长希望家长更关注孩子的身心发展胜于考获A等。

家协主席陈维通则希望家长不要太重视孩子的成绩,应更注重个人身心发展 和关注孩子的全能教育


Pelajar-pelajar SMJK Katholik telah memperoleh keputusan yang amat
membanggakan dan mereka berjaya meningkatkan nama sekolah SMJK Katholik.

CHS Appreciation Night

On Saturday, the 14th of November 2015, a joyous and memorable dinner was held in our beloved Brother Phillip Wu Hall. This dinner was held as a symbol of gratitude towards all the hard work and dedication given by the Board of Governors, Parent Teacher Association members, School Administrators, Teachers and also staff of Catholic High School in making sure the school is always fully equipped and at par with the other schools in Selangor.

This ‘Retro Nite’ brought us back to the earlier days of the school as to remind us of our 60th anniversary celebration next year. The guests arrived in a variety of dresses and outfits’ that suit the 70s and earlier era.

The night was filled with joy and laughter as we were was served with scrumptious ntertained by delicious food, wonderful singing, energetic dancing, and alacritous games. Most guests left with a happy smile after receiving their lucky draw prizes especially Mr Wong Kiang Kok who received a Asus tablet and Mdm Lau Yan Hong who received a HP laptop. Besides that, Mr Mohd Ali and Mdm Chee Yai Chu were awarded the Best Dressed Awards as they managed to catch the hearts of all the guests with their lovely outfits.

Lastly, this successful event would not have taken place without the amazing teamwork by the organising committee and the wonderful support from the teachers and staffs.

Tahniah dan syabas kepada semua warga CHS

Hari Anugerah Kualiti PPD Petaling Utama 2015

Pencapaian yang diterima

Anugerah Pemimpin ICT (Sekolah Menengah)
En.Ong Boon Puah

Anugerah Pengurusan Ko-kurikulum Dan Sukan Terbaik                        (Sekolah Menengah)

Anugerah Pengurusan Pusat Sumber Sekolah (Sekolah Menengah)

Anugerah Pencapaian SPM (GPS Terbaik)

Majlis Persaraan En Lim Jin Fou


Happy retirement Mr.Lim

Majlis Perpisahan Tingkatan 5 dan 6      28.10.2015

To all CHS Form 5 and Form 6 students,
this is just a sincere wish from all of us in CHSPJ.

All the best!


Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan  Kokurikulum 2015
Peringkat Negeri Selangor 

Cik.Margaret Lim
Anugerah Pengurusan Cemerlang Kokurikulum  
          Tempat Ketiga           (Peringkat Negeri)

Majlis Anugerah  Sukan & Kokurikulum 2015 (Petaling Utama)

SMJK Katholik
Anugerah Sekolah Cemerlang Sukan 

En.Ong Boon Puah

Anugerah Kepimpinan Kokurikulum 2015    

Cik.Margaret Lim
Anugerah Guru Cemerlang Kokurikulum 

Leong Chee Feng
Anugerah Olahragawan U18

Kua Kim Yong
Anugerah Atlet Lelaki Harapan  (Sukan bukan anjuran KPM)

Syabas dan tahniah


      春风化雨 33 载
把33载岁月献给杏坛的陈运财修士 Brother John Chin, 日前光荣退休。

本校董家教、全体教职员和学生精心为Brother John 举办一场温馨具纪念性的荣休仪式。

Brother John 投身教育界, 在杏坛服务33 年期间, 都是在八打灵公教中学执教。他默默耕耘为本校作出许多贡献。希望在为未来的日子里, Brother John 健康、快乐和继续为教会服务。

    Dearest Bro John,

Your contribution to CHS                         Will never be forgotten

Your love for us all these years           Has spoilt us rotten

Your encouragement all this time           Has kept us motivated

Your cheerful company has           Always kept us satiated

We are sad and grumpy            To let you leave like this

However, we wish you a happy retirement                May your life be full of bliss           God bless always

From all in CHS, PJ.

(from Pn.Chee Yai Chu)




丹斯里林福山杯男女团体乒乓邀请赛于72526日 在八打灵公教国民型中学圆满举行,共有16所小学、7所中学和7所大专院校参与其盛。

此赛会是由林木生集团赞助,Adidas为赛会指定用球。活动宗旨是提倡健康体育活动,让各校学生切磋球艺,并促进中小学乃至大专院校球 队的友谊。

杯主丹斯里林福山为赛会主持闭幕仪式,并颁奖予各组别的优胜者。他致辞表示,学业成绩固然重要,而保持身心的健康更是生活中 不可或缺的。

“当拥有了健康的体魄,才能让 每个人思路更清晰,并且充满活力、毅力和智慧地去面对现实里的种种挑战和考验。”

    丹斯里林福山希望赛会能够越办越好,配合八打灵公教国民型中学致力推 广乒乓运动的使命,让更多的学生进一步认识这门运动。



冠军:吉隆坡文良港中 华小


季军:蒲种汉民华小、  巴生启明华小




季军:梳邦子文华小, 八打灵培才华小




季军:吉隆坡中华独 中   汝来大学


冠军:梳邦再也INTI International College

亚军:赛城多媒体大学 (MMU Cyberjaya)

季军:八打灵公教国民 型中学、Methodist Boys School


Teachers' Day 2015

The long anticipated Teacher's  Day celebration for the year 2015 finally came knocking on our doors on the 29th of May!

It began with deafening roars and screams that echoed throughout the Dewan Brother Phillipe Wu when the SUPERSTARS of the day entered according to groups named after artistes that have inspired people worldwide, with ladies dressed elegantly and gentlemen in suits, each with a masquerade mask in hand. Then began the usual round of speeches before the spectacular performances commenced.

First, there was  Madam Susan Leong sang two  beautiful songs to the accompaniment of the piano  by the talented Mr. Eugene, whose hands graced the keyboard. Then, there was a lovely duet performed by Madam Lim Yian Hwa and Mr Lew Yu Hang, which was followed by a creative performance of two songs by the Prefectorial Board. Next was a jaw-dropping catwalk by the teachers that made the crowd go wild. The members of the Wushu Club then showcased their talents with moves that left the audience in awe. Lastly, there was an entertaining Bollywood dance that saw some of the teachers twirling and shaking to the beat of the music. Prizes were later given out to the teachers who had sashayed with pizzazz on stage earlier. Mr Lean Kee Fong, who dressed up as a cowboy from the Wild Wild West was crowned King, whilst Madam Wong Ewe Leng  who engaged in cosplay until she was completely unrecognisable by the audience, was crowned Queen

It was great to see the carefree side of our teachers. The hard work of the Monitorial Board, the Prefectorial Board and the Librarians in making this year's Teacher's Day celebration a huge success had  definitely paid off, and we can't wait for next year's Teacher's Day celebration to amaze us again.
                                               Sport Day 2015
25th of April 2015- In the wee hours of the day, the school was already bustling with activity, all in anticipation for  the grand Sports Day event. House marchers were seen putting on their costumes and make-up, whilst all the service clubs were busy preparing for their duties. 

The programme kicked off at 7.00 a.m. with an evaluation session for all the house decorations. A tradition that is no doubt uniquely CHS-ian. This year, the Blue House had opted for a theme based off the movie Enchanted. The Green House went with a military theme whilst the Yellow House decided to take on a classic- Beauty and the Beast. The Red House chose to present themselves as the Fire Nation whilst the Purple House took on Candyland. 

With all the students settled at the field and the sports centre, the formalities began. After the marching performances by the various uniformed bodies and service clubs, the house marchers stole the stage with their compelling marching routines. Soon after, the tournament flag was raised, and all the participants took the oath of sportsmanship.  With that, the school's PIBG chairman Mr Lim Hock San took the podium to give his speech. 

Once the opening ceremony was done with, it was on to the best portion of the day's itinerary. Our school's athletes competed with athletes from other schools and emerged triumphant in every event. There was a brief interval for the house cheer performances. Soon enough, it was time for the school's athletes to compete with one another.

The day ended with all the students convening under the blazing sun. The Blue House trailed behind the Yellow House, whilst the Purple House came in third. The Green House pulled off a second place standing and the Red House emerged as the champion two years,  in a row. 

The 2015 Sports' Day was a tremendous success. The CHS Sports Day is a true embodiment of the CHS spirit, passion and enthusiasm..

好人好事         We are proud of you


Perasmian Bangunan Dato's Seri Lim Bock Seng & Datin Seri Liew Sok Boon dan Projek Solar PV


The date 6/3/2015 marks an important milestone in the history of Catholic High School as we witness the opening ceremony of our new block, Bangunan Dato’ Seri Lim Bock Seng & Datin Seri Liew Sok Boon, and the Solar Photo Voltaic panels.

                At around 9.30am, the clashing sound of the school Lion Dance Troupe marked the arrival of YB Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong, minister from the Prime Minister’s Department. Together with the other guests of honor who had arrived earlier, they proceeded to the new block. Brother Robert Teoh, Marist Brother Provincial of Province of East Asia, chairman of PTA association Mr Kenny Tan, chairman of the board of governors Dato’ Lim Hock San and lastly by YB Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong started the went with their speeches. In his speech, Datuk Wee Ka Siong expressed his appreciation towards the Marist Brothers as the founder of the school and added that more aid from the Ministry of Education will be given to SMJK schools as such schools are an important part of Malaysia’s education system.

                Right after the speeches, the VIPs were invited to participate in the ribbon cutting ceremony to inaugurate the opening of the new building. The second highlight of the morning was the signing ceremony for the new block where Dato’ Sri Lim Hock San was invited to officially sign the plaque. This historical moment was witnessed by Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong who was then invited to sign the plaque for the launching of the Solar Photo Voltaic panels.

                After a photo session by the journalists from the local media, the VIPs were then invited to visit the school Archive Room and walk down memory lane. The VIPs were also accompanied to take a tour of the new block.

                The event ended at around 11.30 a.m. with some light refreshments for the invited guests. This event was made possible by the commitment of the dedicated teachers and students.

Majlis Pelancaran Pendidikan Abad ke-21 & Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Majlis Pelancaran Pendidikan Abad Ke-21 dan Seven Habits of Highly Effective People telah disempurnakan pada 19hb Januari  2015 oleh Dato's Sri Lim Hock San, Pengerusi Lembaga Pengelola.

Matlamat adalah untuk melengkapkan pelajar dengan nilai dan kemahiran abad ke-21. Kemahiran abad ke -21 merangkumi kemahiran belajar, kemahiran literasi dan  kemahiran kehidupan.  Harapan sekolah adalah dapat meningkatkan kemahiran guru dan pelajar secara keseluruhan yang boleh menghadapi cabaran abad ke-21

Hari Kokurikulum 2015

All the committee members and members of the co-curricular clubs have been working tirelessly in preparation for the huge event on the 23rd of January 2015 - Hari Kokurikulum.

As usual, the VIPS went onstage to present their speeches and then Hari Kokurikulum officially began. The members of the clubs tried to convince and persuade students to join their clubs or buy their merchandise. The hall was a hub of activity with students milling around while loud music played in the background.

Many clubs performed to attract potential members. For example, the Choir Club showcased their talent in a flash mob with the song 'Happy'. Two fencers also dueled enthralling the audience. 

It was a wonderful, amazing day for many but also a tiring and exhausting one for the students on duty. Nevertheless, it was a great day for everyone and all students are urged to join a club, society or uniformed body today, for it is truly awesome to belong somewhere, a family away from home. Join in the fun, for you will never regret it!

Graduation Day 2014

The 29th of October 2014 saw the graduation of 530 form five and 58 upper six students from the halls of Catholic High School Petaling Jaya.  Some 1000, including graduates, parents, teachers, members of the Board of Governors, the Parent-Teacher Association and the Alumni attended the annual event in the  Brother Phillipe Wu hall. Speeches were given by the chairman of the Alumni, Mr. Fong Kui Lun, the chairman of the PTA, Mr. Kenny Tan Jui Thong and the principal, Mr. Ong Boon Puah. Soon after, the graduands went up the stage to receive their scrolls. The graduation ended on a high note with  different groups of  graduating students singing on stage to bid farewell to the school.

Teacher’s  Appreciation Day 2014

This year’s Teacher’s Appreciation Day was held  on 3 November 2014.  To mark the occasion, the Board of Governors and the Parent-Teacher Association hosted a hi-tea at the Tropicana Golf and Country Resort as a gift and a thank-you for the teachers.  More than 120 teachers were treated to entertainment and a lunch. Long service awards were also presented to teachers who had served the school for 10 , 15 or 20 years. To make the event more fun, a karaoke competition was held among the teachers but the highlight of the day was the lucky draw whereby mini ipads and tabs were given out as prizes

Pelancaran Bulan Penghayatan Kemerdekaan

Pada hari bulan 22 Ogos, sekolah kita telah menyambut Bulan Penghayatan Kemerdekaan. Majlis dimulakan dengan perarakan pasukan badan beruniform. Semua pasukan beruniform telah membuat persembahan masing-masing yang sangat menarik.

Selepas penyanyian Lagu Kebangsaan, pengetua, Encik Ong Boon Puah telah menyampaikan ucapannya. Seterusnya, para tetamu khas naik ke pentas untuk melaungkan 'Merdeka!' sebanyak tiga kali. Para hadirin telah melaung dengan penuh tenaga dan semangat.

Setelah laungan Merdeka selesai, tibalah persembahan daripada para murid. Pertama sekali, Kelab Kebudayaan dan Teater telah mempersembahkan tarian moden, tarian Melayu, Cina serta India. Selain itu, pelajar daripada kelas 4S4 telah mempersembahkan drama yang bertajuk 'Erti Kemerdekaan bagi remaja zaman dahulu dan sekarang'. Seterusnya, kumpulan koir telah mempersembahkan beberapa lagu. Antaranya, Heal The World, Jalur Gemilang, Keranamu Malaysia dan sebagainya.

Majlis Bulan Penghayatan Kemerdekaan pada tahun ini telah disambut dengan penuh kemeriahan.


Pengetua, En.Ong Boon Puah telah menerima Sijil Anugerah Tawaran Baharu kepada Pengetua 2013  (bidang keberhasilan utama (NKRA) Pendidikan) pada 27hb Jun 2014 di Majlis Anugerah Tawaran Baharu Pengetua 2013.

Perayaan Ulang Tahun Sekolah ke-58 telah disempurnakan pada 23hb Jun 2014.
Tema tahun in Engage,
Enhance, Empower


Pelajar Tingkatan 6 (2013)
Sekolah telah menerima anugerah dalam Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan Prauniversiti peringkat negeri Selangor pada 27hb Jun 2014. Antara anugerah yang diterima:

a) Anugerah Sekolah PGNK Cemerlang
b) Anugerah Sekolah Cemerlang 2013 Selangor       (Tempat ke-2)
c) Anugerah Khas:
KooSung Phang (5A)
d) Anugerah Emas: 9 orang pelajar
e) Anugerah Perak: 9 orang pelajar

2014 年运动会


     各组同学在体育中心的入口处,依据各组的主题精心布置了自己的帐篷。红组的主题是热情的印第安人;紫组选择了充满童年回忆的 迪斯尼;黄组的是生机勃勃的野生动物园;而青组和蓝组则选择了以电影为主题的怪兽大学及冰雪奇缘。

     首先,各制服团体和组别操步进场,然后由运动员代表带领全体运动员宣誓。接着配合今年的巴西世界杯足球赛,运动会以开幕嘉宾 将足球踢进龙门的方式开幕。本校董事长拿督斯里林福山在家协主席陈维通先生、王文坂校长及一众副校长们的陪同下,一同将球射入龙门,为本届运动会正式掀开 序幕。


接力赛后,各组别的步操队伍更为大家带来了精彩的表演。不同于过往,今年的运动会增添了一个新项目,那就是啦啦队比赛,由各 组的下午班成员组成,在操场表演充满活力却又高难度的动作,为今年的运动会 生色不少。


     经过一番龙争虎斗,万众期待的成绩终于出炉了!今年黄组在操步比赛及帐篷设计比赛中脱颖而出,成为双料冠军;在啦啦队比赛方 面,则由紫组荣获冠军。最后,红组成功卫冕冠军宝座,荣获全场总冠军,亚军和季军则分别落在紫组和青组的手中。






     上午730分, 师生们聚集在一贯的周会地点--停车场,等待嘉宾的莅临。不久,本校董事长拿督斯里林福山局绅和赵通强修士在王文坂校长以及一众副校长与科长的陪同下,到台 前就座。接着,大会司仪恭请王文坂校长及赵通强修士上台致词。

     致词完毕,众嘉宾一齐把系着一束五颜六色的气球及被卷起来的校庆横幅的绳子往下拉。这时,那束气球冉冉升起,校庆横幅映入眼 帘。之后便是切蛋糕仪式。嘉宾们和全体同学唱生日歌,一起欢庆公中迈入建校第58年。




                                   Blood Donation 2014                                      
筹 募增建校舍经 费晚宴
本校于5 月24 日 举行的筹款晚宴,成功筹募150 万令吉,作为本校一栋新楼及增设太阳能设备的建筑费用。晚宴在双溪威华小举行,筵开逾百席,吸引不少热爱华教人士出席,以行动支持本校筹建基金。
            董事长拿督斯里林福山致词时指出,本校创校至今历经57 载,作为一所半津贴学校,政府只提供教员薪金及行政费用,其余的硬体设备提升和维持操作,得仰赖学校4 大机构和社会人士的捐款。
            随着时代的瞬变和教育大蓝图的公布,教务方面也有所更动。现有的6 栋教学楼,特别是课室和行政室,已不敷应用。 因此我们成立工委会筹建一栋新楼,并举办筹募经费晚宴,呼吁各界热心华教人士、家长和校友们秉持爱护华教的精神,协助完成今次的建校计划,为下一代提供更 好的学习环境。
            副董事长兼工委会主席郭智强先生也表示,新楼有3层楼高,包括设有课室及行政室,同时利用底层作为历史走廊,还有软硬体设备。有关工程已于去年12月开始 建设,预计还有3个月便能完工。这次的筹款目标为200万令吉,包括新楼筹建经费及增设太阳能设备。太阳能设备所产生的电源将会卖给国能公司,再以此回扣 学校每个月近2万令吉的电费。

Konsert PMO 2014

                             风雅颂•赋比兴•系列八之   PMO Concert 2014
        On the 26th of April 2014, amidst much fanfare and anticipation, Catholic High School’s Chinese Orchestra Band, fondly known as the PMO, proudly launched their eighth band concert. The concert, aptly named风雅颂•赋比兴•系列八之, was organized to cultivate the interest and appreciation of the current generation towards Chinese culture as a whole.
        Unlike the annual concerts prior to this one, only one session was held. With the stage set majestically with its beautiful backdrop and the hall tastefully decorated, the concert began officially at 7.30 p.m. as the lion dance troupe lead the VIPs into the hall. A ribbon cutting ceremony was then held, followed by speeches given by the PIBG Chairman and the chairman of the concert organizing committee, Mr. Kenny Tan ,our school principal Mr Ong Boon Puah and the Chairman of the Board of Governors, Dato’ Sri Lim Hock San respectively. Shortly after the speeches, applause soon resounded in the hall as pops of streamers were released.
        The musical portion of the concert commenced with the opening notes of 《敢问路在何方》, the theme song of the well-known and prolific TV series “Journey to the West”. The music encapsulated the fearlessness if Priest Tang and his four disciples in pursuit of the holy bible. This particular performance had the audience in awe from the get go. The band then went on to perform 《春节序曲》, one of the most played Chinese philharmonics.
        Much merriness and gaiety was relayed through the mellifluous melody. 《上海老歌串烧》, a piece made out of ten well-known Shanghai Oldies arranged by a Malaysian musician, Liang Han Kui, had the audience reminiscing with all the old-school opuses. To infuse the concert with a local tinge, 《舒莉兰》was performed. Originally a traditional Malay lullaby, the song was adapted by the Chinese musician, Sim Boon Yew.A short intermission soon followed as the audience left the hall and the performers halted to recompose themselves.
          After the break, 《冬》, a soothing and calming piece encapsulating the true meaning of winter was perfomed, much to the enjoyment of the audience. The concert came to a full circle at 9.30 p.m.with the dramatic symphony 《穆桂英挂帅》, a song written all things ala-Chinese Opera for the story “Mu Guiying Takes Command”. This performance in particular, truly encompassed and embodied the genuine value of music in its power to relay a tale with mastery.
              As the audience slowly filed out of the hall ,jubilant smiles were seen plastered on the faces of the band members who had spent their holidays and much of their time practicing diligently. Passion, the same passion instilled and bred amongst all the PMO members truly did make this event a success

Pertandingan Perbahasan  Bahasa Cina Ala Parlimen Sekolah Menengah Peringkat Negeri Selangor Tahun 2014
雪兰莪州中学生国会式华语辩 论赛





2014 年越野赛跑

2014222日,公教中学举办了众人引颈长盼的越野赛跑。一大清早,校园内 便挤满了身穿红、黄、绿、蓝和紫色运动衣的学生,正兴致勃勃地谈论着即将掀开序幕的越野赛跑。

    简报后,各组别的代表带领学生们进行热身运动。上午8时,参赛者在起跑点做好准备,只待枪声一响,便像脱缰的马儿似的向前奔跑。摄影学会的学生赶紧用摄像机把这壮观的画面捕捉下 来。


    晌午,成绩出炉了。校长颁发奖牌给得奖者时,勉励大家要胜不骄,败不馁,更要秉持友谊第一,比赛第二的精神。最后,熟悉的校歌奏起,大家肃立高唱。伴随着大家雄壮 的歌声,本年度的越野赛跑也画上了圆满的句点。谁会是2014年越野赛跑的总冠军?



As one of the lucky 50 schools participating s in the Mural Competition organized in conjunction with the 50th Malaysia Day, the students of CHS have once again created a masterpiece, one that will be seen and remembered for years to come. The competition, themed “Together, We Create Endless Possibilities” was held all over Malaysia in the respective schools between the 18th of August and the 7th of September, with each school selecting a date to hold the competition. CHS chose the 24th of August to hold the competition.

The organizers provided an experienced artist for each school, and our school was lucky to get the artist Kenji Chai, from Sabah, who had been a graffiti artist for about 5 years and is currently a designer. Miss Sherry Ong was the teacher-in-charge, and 10 students ranging from Forms 3-5 took part in the contest. The majority of these students were from the Creative Club. The wall chosen for the mural was at Block C, next to the principal’s car park. Perhaps you have seen the mural? If not, hurry over to get a look at its new face now!

The ten students gathered at the Bilik Gerakan at around 8 in the morning to await the arrival of Kenji, bringing with them sketches of their ideas for the mural for the artist to look through and select. Wei Xin, one of the participants, gave us a few comments on her feelings. “I’m nervous because it’s my first time trying out graffiti. Most of us haven’t any experience with it so we hope it’ll turn out all right.” She also expressed her concern about how the sketches would turn out on the wall as they would be enlarged and the perspective would be slightly changed.

When Kenji arrived, they all started out with a self-introduction. Then, Kenji asked them what graffiti  meant to them. They debated a little about the misconceptions of graffiti. As another participant, Jia Qian said in an earlier interview, a lot of people thought that graffiti was just a part of gangster activity. She said she used to think so, until she heard a debate about whether graffiti was vandalism or art, which changed her perspective on things. Now, she thinks that graffiti is a form of expression of art.

In a few moments, Kenji had chosen a sketch he liked, and with a few tweaks to it, they were now ready to start. Upon reaching the wall chosen for the mural,  they pulled on face masks and gloves. Kenji started them off by teaching them some basics of graffiti, like making lines and filling in colours. Then, the students started taking over, first drawing a basic outline of things, then filling in the base colours and finally adding on details. Under Kenji’s guidance, the mural slowly but surely took shape.

During this time, of course there were onlookers, mainly students passing by on the way to the science labs or curious students during recess. A staff from the organizers, Christine was also there to supervise the activity. Not missing a chance to interview the students, she had them take pictures in front of the mural and asked them about their hopes and dreams for the future.  When asked by us about her thoughts on the programme, she said, “I think it’s a good idea, because it gives the students more confidence as they can see their own work displayed to everyone, and it also makes them better thinkers.  It also spreads the positive spirit through the mural.”

Finally, after hours of hard labour, the mural was completed and the participants were given certificates of participation. The results of the competition though, will have to wait, as they will be announced much later. Even so, you can help CHS in winning! How, you may ask? It’s easy, just like and share the album on the Facebook page Gempaknya My School. The mural with the highest number of likes and shares after the 17th of September gets an additional 10 marks! What are you waiting for? Like and share the album now and help CHS in winning the first prize of RM10,000 and if we are one of the best 15 schools, a prize-giving ceremony with the Prime Minister of Malaysia! Show your CHS spirit, everyone!

HARMONIOUS GLORY CONCERT  2013    '光辉岁月' 音乐会


      After months of preparations and hard work, Catholic High School’s Harmonica and Guitar Band (H&G)  proudly  launched their band concert again, themed ‘Harmonious Glory’ on 22 April 2013. The event was aimed to improve the music quality and skills of the members and also to cultivate interest towards music  among  the students. The concert was performed twice by the band, the matinee show in the afternoon and the full concert in the evening.

        At  7.30p.m,  the concert began with the official opening ceremony by the VIPs.  First was the gong-banging ceremony by two VIPs, the Chairman of the Board of Governors, Dato’ Lim Hock San and our school principal, Mr.Ong Boon Puah, followed by the release of poppers by the VIPs on stage. Next,  speeches were delivered by the chairman of the concert organising committee and PIBG chairman, Mr. Tommy Kok and the school principal, Mr. Ong Boon Puah. 

        The concert then got into full swing with a blast from the  18th century song, ‘Can Can’. The lively music was well-known for its high-energy and physically demanding music hall dance, traditionally performed by a chorus line of female dancers who manipulate their long skirts. The band then proceeded with a song by Billy Joel, named ‘Uptown Girl’. As a tribute to the legendary King of Pop Michael Jackson, a small group of members then performed a medley of his signature songs from ‘Man in the Mirror’ to ‘Beat it’.

        The highlight of the night included a ‘surprise’ performance by Miss Margaret Lim, the Senior Assistant of Co-curriculum. She performed a lovely rendition of the Japanese classic cartoon theme song ‘Laputa’ with the members of the H&G band. Next, the head of discipline, Madam Susan Leong also brought the roof down with a group of band members with her distinct version of American country singer David Frizzle’s ‘Words Don’t Come Easy”. She played an acoustic guitar while singing ,showcasing the hidden talents of teachers in the school.

        Besides, the former president of H&G Miss Jocelyn Khoo performed two songs on the guitar entitled ‘Spiritual Groove’ and ‘Dracula and friends’. These two songs were complicated and required different techniques.

        Five creative members also hit the stage with ‘10 hands 1 guitar’ performance. This performance featured the full usage of the whole guitar, producing different pitch and tones when different parts of the guitar are played. The five members also showcased their vocal ability by singing the lyrics while playing the song ‘Somebody That I Used to Know’ by the young Austrian artist Gotye.

        The prominent harmonica band known as ‘FRESCO’ was also invited to perform a series of songs that included‘ Sympatia’, ‘Rock around the clock’ , and ‘Victory’. It was an amazing performance as the songs performed were all fast-paced.

        The concert ended with a grand finale where the band members, conducted by Mr.Lee Nam Saw played three songs by the Hong Kong Rock Band ‘Beyond’. Lasting for some 3 hours, the ‘Harmonious Glory’ Concert  ended at around 10.30pm.


        It is no secret that the students of CHS are talented and well-rounded individuals, but this fact could not have been more clearly demonstrated in the school’s annual Scholastic Achievement Awards Ceremony.
            At 7.30am on the 13th of April, 2013, the school was already filled with students and parents who had come to participate in this prestigious ceremony. The excitement of walking on stage to receive their respective awards was buzzing in the heart of every student.
            At 8.30am, the honoured guests and VIPs arrived and everyone gathered in the Dewan Bro. Phillipe Wu. The event began with the singing of the national anthem and the state song followed by profound and motivational speeches from the principal of Catholic High School, Mr Ong Boon Puah, and the Chairman of the Board of Govenors, Dato’ Lim Hock San.
            Finally, at 9.00am, the long-awaited prize-giving ceremony began. The awards were separated into three categories: Co-curricular Certificates of Appreciation for the committee members of each co-curricular body, Sports Colours Winners’ Awards for students who had achieved commendable results in sports competitions in and out of school, as well as the Academic Achievement Awards for students who had done well in their studies for the year 2012. It was truly heartwarming see so many students going on stage one by one to receive awards for various different achievements. Some students even went on stage two or three times to receive different awards for different categories. Everyone clapped encouragingly for the recipients of each award, full of pride for the talented students of CHS.
            Everyone once again displayed their CHS Spirit as they sang the school song with passion, signalling the end of the awards ceremony as the midday sun rose high in the sky.


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On March 16 2013, Catholic High School had its annual Cross   Country event.         The day started with the usual assembly and then, all the students were instructed to go to         their allocated places on the assembly  ground. Students from various societies such as             Quarter Master, Lembaga  Maintenance and Prefectorial Board were on duty to help the         teachers for  the final preparations.

“Runners!  Get Set! Bang! ” The race was started off by the committee  members         of PTA  at 8.25 am and there were  an uproar of excitement   among the students. Every       student ran with full enthusiasm. Beads of sweat  was clearly seen on their faces and                 adrenaline pumped through their veins as they strived hard to win. Seas of yellow, red,                 blue, green and purple   could be seen along the running track. The clock struck                 8.50a.m.when the MC of the event proudly announced the return of the first runner of L3         from the Yellow House! The crowd clapped and cheered loudly and shouted  words of             encouragement as runners rushed through the finishing line.

                 The annual cross country event rounded up at 11.30 p.m. and the  prize giving                 ceremony will be held on the following Monday’s assembly.  Everything went smoothly             and a positive rapport  between the students and  teachers.


         SMJK Katholik telah mengadakan Merentas Desa pada 16 Mac 2013. Pelajar- pelajar telah tiba di sekolah sejak awal pagi dengan berpakaian baju rumah sukan, seluar PJK dan kasut sukan. Guru-guru turut memakai baju yang sama warna dengan rumah sukan masing- masing sebagai tanda sokongan terhadap rumah sukan mereka. Pada pukul 7.15 pagi, pelajar- pelajar berkumpul di tapak perhimpunan dan dewan mengikut kelas masing-masing untuk mengambil kedatangan. Sementara menunggu acara bermula, pelajar-pelajar telah menjalankan aktiviti memanaskan badan.       

        Pada pukul 8.25 pagi, tibalah masa yang dinanti-nantikan. Pelajar- pelajar kategori P3 dibawa ke tempat permulaaan. Ahli Jawatankuasa PIBG dan pentadbir sekolah telah merasmikan  acara tersebut. Apabila siren dibunyikan di garis permulaan,  pelajar-pelajar mula berlari dengan penuh semangat.  Kategori yang seterusnya merupakan L3 diikuti dengan P2, P1, L2 dan L1. Pelajar pertama yang sampai ke sekolah semula bagi Merentas Desa Tahun 2013 ialah seorang pelajar kategori L3 dari rumah Kuning. Pelajar- pelajar dan guru-guru bersorak apabila peserta-peserta sampai ke sekolah semula. Walaupun peserta-peserta amat letih selepas menamatkan jarak larian masing- masing, namun mereka berasa sangat gembira dan puas hati dapat menyertai acara merentas desa hari ini. Suasana dimeriahkan lagi dengan kemunculan lori Milo yang menaja minuman sejuk.   

          Acara tamat kira-kira pada pukul 11.30 pagi. Majlis penyampaian hadiah rasmi akan diadakan pada hari Isnin minggu depan.

2012 / 2013 年度家教协会会员大会

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会员大会于下午一时五十分正式掀开序幕。唱完国歌、州歌和校歌后便是家教协会主席郭智强先生及本校校长王文坂先生上台致词。 他们对公中去年中三的学子们在初中评估考试的佳绩赞不绝口,并表示为此感到无比光荣与欣慰。

紧接着是嘉宾们颁送奖牌及奖状予2012年度初中评估考试获8A 7A 的优异生。公教中学群英荟萃,莘莘学子们上台时都带满满的自信与灿烂的笑容,似乎想与全世界分享自己的喜悦。然后,便是颁送 纪念品于2012/2013年度家教协会理事。

享用茶点后,2013年度的家教协会大会正式开始。首先是检讨及覆准2012/2013年 大会纪录,接着秘书与财政汇报2012/2013会务报告与财政报告。最后,大会主席解散2012/2013年度理事会。2013/2014年度理事会在一轮刺激的投票活动后纵 欲出炉了,郭智强先生不失众望再度抗扛下重任,成为2013/2014年家教协主席。新理事接受了 家长各项提案,并在讨论后获得共识。



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On 13 August 2012, Catholic High School launched the ‘ Bulan Penghayatan Kemerdekaan’ programme and simultaneously held the farewell ceremony  for Mdm. Ang Ling Kim’s retirement. Mdm. Ang who was the head of the Language Department, had finally succeeded in her application for optional retirement.

The events for the day started at 9.30 a.m. with all the students and teachers gathered in the Bro.Philippe Wu Hall. The guests of honour came into the hall followed by the lion dance troupe, various uniformed bodies and student representatives dressed in the traditional costumes of the various Malaysian races. The students carried the national and state flags to embody the true spirit of 1 Malaysia.

The principal, Mr.Ong Boon Puah delivered his speech, captivating and interesting performances followed such as a lion dance performance, the school choir singing patriotic songs accompanied by the school’s oriental orchestra, a sketch as well as traditional dances of our country.

The morning then proceeded to the retirement ceremony of Mdm.Ang Ling Kim. Mr William, the teachers’ representative took to the stage to express his appreciation of Mdm.Ang’s 29 years of service in Catholic High School. Then, Mdm Ang, the celebrity of the day, gave a very meaningful parting speech. The day concluded with the presentation of gifts to Mdm. Ang and a grand send-off in a chauffeur driven car.


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          On the 28th of June 2012, Catholic High School proudly celebrated its 56th anniversary. This year's anniversary themed was "Towering Above the Excellent", “ 公中卓越超群,傲立杏坛” "Terbilang dalam kalangan yang cemerlang". In line with the school's motto of loyallty, honesty, diligence and moderator, our students are educated and instilled with noble values to produce future leaders of good character.
         The big CHS family gathered in the Bro.Phillipe Wu school hall to celebrate this joyous occasion. The events of the day included speeches from our beloved principal, Mr.Ong Boon Puah and the vice- Provincial of the Province of East Asia, Bro. Robert Teoh and briliant performances by our multi-talented students.
        A big thank you to all parties involved for their efforts in making this celebration a success. We are also tremendously grateful for the sweat and blood of the past heroes and heroines who contributed so much and brought us to where we are today. Let us continue to work hard and let Catholic High School soar to greater heights.


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 It was that time of the year again. Sweaty practices from morning till noon, house members working against the clock to finish their house decorations and to perfect their marching routines. What’s happening? Well, it’s Catholic High School’s annual Sports Day. Students of Blue, Yellow, Red and Purple House gathered together and strove to attain the coveted title of ‘2012 Champion House’.

Sports Day started off at 8.00 a.m. where students were allocated to their respective houses before the events began. After the opening ceremony, marchers from each uniformed body and house took centre field. Purple House radiated an oriental vibe with their theme “Journey to The West”, followed by Red House’s pretty little fairies and sprites, Blue House’s Atlantis natives, Green House’s Peter Pans and Tinkerbells accompanied by their crocodile mascot and last but not least Yellow House’s les artistes de cirque (circus performers) with their tall clown mascot entertaining the spectators.

The long-awaited individual track events finally kicked off. The field was filled with ear-piercing screams and cheers from the hyped-up spectators as they fervently hoped that their house athletes would take home gold and gain the last few marks for their respective houses. The track events included the 100m sprint and the 4 x100m sprint. The school band also made an appearance along with the Colour Guards. Even our dear teachers of CHS and the VIPs sportingly participated in the 4 x 50m run.

When the events drew to a close, the highly anticipated announcements of the winners were made. The winners came up to claim their prizes and medals during the award giving ceremony. It was a great achievement for Yellow House when it emerged as the Champion House. Purple House came in second, Red House third, Blue House fourth and Green House was placed fifth.

On Sports Day 2012, everyone had a blast and the main agenda of the event was successfully fulfilled that is to promote great sportsmanship among the students. What really mattered was that everyone had enjoyed themselves, not the number of medals won.

The day ended with the closing ceremony and a light lunch for the teachers.

Teachers' Day

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The teachers of CHS definitely deserve our gratitude and appreciation especially as they are the individuals who produce quality students through their teaching, nurturing and motivation. Thanks to their dedication and guidance, the students’ achievements in various aspects are considered the pride of Catholic High School. What better way to present a ‘thank you’ to our beloved teachers and educators than organising a grand Teachers’ Day Celebration.

    On the 15th of June 2012, at 7.30 in the morning, all students
 gathered at their allocated spots to have a  good view of the performances
    to celebrate Teachers’ Day. The assembly ground was brightly decorated.    
    The VIPS were first ushered in by members of the Guidance and    
    Counseling Unit, followed by all the teachers who were grouped                     according to the first letter of their name in alphabetical order. After
    everyone was seated, the Head Prefect, the School’s Principal, Mr.Ong Boon     Puah and the Head of the Parent -Teacher Association, Mr. Tommy Kok  
    delivered their speeches before the start of the Teacher’s Day celebration.

First, the teachers were showered with wonderful gifts. Then, the performances started off with a group of teachers taking centre stage to present the Teachers’ Day song. Next, our school‘s lion dance troupe performed many elaborate leaps that kept the audience in awe. This was followed by an impressive wushu and taichi performance. The girl guides showed off their dances moves while a group of boys kept the audience entertained with a humourous  version of the Hakka “I’m sexy and I know it” dance. The choir sang two songs and members of the cultural and theatre club presented a beautiful dance to end the presentation. When the performances were over, the teachers were invited to attend a special feast at the lecture hall foyer. This day was certainly a memorable day for students and teachers alike.




    On the 9th of May 2012, Catholic High School bade farewell to Mdm. Hun Siew Eng, who had served the

school  for 23 years. Her patience and caring attitude when teaching had gained her a spot in the hearts of

the teachers and students alike.

        Beginning at 11.30 in the morning, Mdm. Hun’s retirement ceremony started with speeches by Miss

 Shirlena Ting, who represented  the school teachers, the Parent-Teacher Association chairman Mr.Tommy

Kok, and the school’s principal, Mr.Ong Boon Puah. They commended Mdm.Hun on her excellent work in the

school as a dedicated educator and examination secretary. Following the speeches was a gift-giving

ceremony, during which Mdm.Hun was showered with wonderful gifts and presents, courtesy of the school

administrator, school teachers and the various co-curricular bodies. After that, the guest of honour herself,

Mdm Hun went to the podium to give her retirement speech.

    The “entertainment of the day” kicked off with a spectacular traditional drum performance by the 24

seasons drum, which is a division of the Chinese Language Society.This  was followed by the singing of  song

by a trio from class 2B4 and 2B5.The  song was entitled ‘When You Look Me In The Eye’ by the Jonas Brothers.

CHS’s own Calyx performed their cheerleading routine, with their cheer “C.H.S.PN.HUN  is the best!” , much to

the audience’s delight. Besides that, some former students of Mdm. Hun who are currently in the Upper Six, 

came onto the stage to express their appreciation to her and  serenaded the audience with a song ’Those

Bygone Years’, played on a piano. The Taekwondo group wowed us all with their amazing martial arts skills.

The songbirds of CHS, Adlina and Chloe sang “I feel pretty, I’m pretty “while escorting Mdm. Hun onto the

stage where she was presented with a birthday cake. To wrap up the ceremony, ‘Auld Lang Syne’ was played

to bid farewell to Mdm. Hun and she was chauffeured out of Catholic High in a luxurious car.

    We all hope that Mdm.Hun will be blessed with happiness and good health in her retirement years.



Program Guru Penyayang peringkat sekolah telah dilancarkan pada 7 Mei 2012. Pelaksanaan program ini adalah bertujuan agar guru mengamal dan membudayakan sikap kasih sayang di sekolah. Penyayang dalam program ini bermaksud perbuatan atau perlakuan menyayangi, mengasihi dan bersifat belas kasihan serta menghormati orang lain. Hal ini bermakna Guru Penyayang ialah seorang yang memiliki sifat kepedulian (concern) terhadap setiap perkara yang berkaitan dengan muridnya dengan cara mengamalkan nilai kasih sayang, bersikap mesra, mengambil berat, berbudi bahasa, saling menghormati, sentiasa ceria, prihatin dan sabar. Membudayakan amalan penyayang merupakan sifat profesional guru dalam perhubungannya dengan pelajar, ibu bapa, komuniti dan masyarakat. Antara aktiviti yang dicadangkan ialah  mengalu-alukan kehadiran murid, pelaksanaan program mentor-mentee dan memberi penghargaan kepada murid. Pengetua sekolah, En.Ong Boon Puah telah merasmikan program ini. En.Ong juga merumuskan ciri-ciri guru penyayang dalam moto CARING TEACHER.

                        C- concern, care

                        A- affectionate

                        R- relate, rapport

                        I- inspire

                       N- nurture

                       G- giver   

Band Concert 2012 "An Evening of Music" “铜声欢庆”音乐会

open ceremenoy

 Miss Jo Jo Ho

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Catholic High’s annual band concert was on the 28th of April 2012. Titled “Celebration: An Evening of Music”, the matinee was held at 2.00 p.m. whereas the main show began at 7.15 p.m.; and the Catholic High School Band as well as the Sinfonietta Society did not fail to deliver. Also present were special guest percussion soloist, JoJo Ho from Hong Kong, and conductor, Eric Lee. 

    Beginning with the arrival of various VIPs at 7.20 p.m., the concert formally started with several speeches by some distinguished guests, followed by a video presentation which introduced and depicted the history of the CHS school band. The curtains were then raised after the presentation, and the music began to play. 

    The band kicked off the night with a rendition of ‘Journey to the Lion’s Castle” - a heroic, romantic composition by Rossano Galante.  This piece was also performed by the band in the Hong Kong Winter Band Festival in December 2011, and won them a Gold Award. Following this was a medley from the Disney animated film ‘Tangled’ composed by Alan Menken. 

    Then, it was time for the school’s international guest artiste, JoJo Ho to take the stage, with her playing the xylophones. She captivated the audience with two pieces, titled ‘Xylophonia’ and ‘Turquoise Daydreams’ by James Hosen, and by doing so re-introduced the concept of xylophone solos. 

    Next up were another two pieces by the band – ‘Spain’ by Chick Corea and Tohru  Minakuchi,  and ‘Gelato Con Caffe’ (literally ice-cream with espresso). A short intermission then followed before the night resumed with a performance of “Broadway Tonight” by the Sinfonietta group and the CHS Band. An arrangement by Bruce Chase, “Broadway Tonight” featured songs from multiple Broadway classics.

     “High School Musical”, the Disney arrangement by Robert Longfield, was up next, followed by “Concert March Take Off 2” composed by Tomohiro Tatebe. Our talented Fifth Former, Lim Yin Yin, then took to the stage along with the band for a stunning solo rendition of “I Dreamed A Dream” of “Les Miserables” fame, which was composed by Claude-Michel Schonberg with orchestrations by John Cameron. 

    To wrap up the night, the CHS band joined forces with the school choir for one last performance – “the Magic of Disney”, where the audience received a dose of nostalgia from musical pieces from various Walt Disney creations such as Pinocchio and Snow White. 

    公中铜乐队于二十八日引爆一场激情澎湃的音乐会。这场名为“铜声欢庆”主要为了欢庆铜乐队过去多年在国内外赢得的奖项与荣誉,特别是去年于香港迪斯 尼乐园年度第三届香港冬季管乐节摘下金奖。为了这场音乐会,铜乐队自去年年尾已开始筹备。这一次的演出不仅仅出动60名铜乐队员,26名管弦队员,也包括了50合唱团团员。今次团员们为了精益求精,大胆尝试演奏出11受各种曲风的乐曲,引领观众进入一场充满欢乐动感的音乐飨宴


掀开序幕的是Journey to the lion castle,一首把公中铜乐队带上国际舞台,名扬海外的优美曲子。铜乐队就凭这首曲子于去年香港冬季管乐节击败来自中国、香港、台湾、新加坡等18个国家。


铜乐队把观众带到迪士尼卡通世界,前后演奏了“魔法奇缘”、“Magic of Disney”,让观众回忆童年的美好时光。为了让音乐会增添声色,铜乐队也请来了公中合唱团来伴唱。


铜乐团也落力演出热情洋溢且奔放的拉丁美洲桑巴曲风的Gay-La-To,美国流行电影High school musical,还有沉缓的西 班牙现代爵士音乐Spain.


来自香港著名交响乐团敲击手何铭恩小姐为当晚特别表演嘉宾,展现木琴演奏。她为观众带来两首曲子。第一首曲名为Xylophonia,描述了二十世纪木琴独奏者的演奏方式。第二首曲子,名为‘Turquoise Daydreams’,意思是蓝天。


精彩的演奏,少不了天籁般的歌声搭配,才显得更完美。铜乐队有幸邀请了公中学生偶像林颖莹同学前来客串。在乐团优美地伴奏 下,林同学娓娓的唱出《悲惨世界》I Dreamed a Dream,赢得全场的喝彩。

     这场音乐盛会成功吸引了两千名观众的到来。另 外,它也成功为公中铜乐队筹得20万余的款项,以助团员添购乐器及作为活动经费。约为时两小时精彩演出终于在热烈的掌声下圆满结束。 

Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang 2012

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Catholic High School once again celebrated the achievements of her students at this year’s Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang, which recognises students who have achieved excellence in academics, sports, or co-curricular activities.

Beginning at 8.30 a.m. on the 14th of April 2012, the ceremony began with speeches from the principal, Mr. Ong, and the Chairman of the PTA, Mr. Tommy Kok. Mr. Ong, in his speech, reiterated the importance of education in developing students into well-rounded, healthy individuals.

Following the speecher this was the prize-giving ceremony; certificates were first presented to all the co-curricular societies’ appreciation of their services to the school. Next, the high-performing students for academics went up on stage to receive their awards. Prices were given to those who were the top in their respective classes and subjects. Certificates were also presented to the top scorers of last year’s SPM and STPM examination. After this, several ‘Special Awards’ were given to the presidents of various student bodies of CHS including the Prefectorial Board, Monitorial Board, and Maintenance Board, as recognition for their outstanding service to the school.

Lim Ann Er received acclaim for being the ‘Sportswoman of the Year’ for 2011; while Kam Jenson, Tham Ying Hong, and Hau Han Lin were named ‘Pelajar Cemerlang’ for 2011.

Projek mengecat bilik darjah

Tarikh: 10.03.2012
Masa : 8.00 pagi hingga 1.00 petang
Objektif: untuk mewujudkan suasana pembelajaran yang konduksif
Sasaran: semua bilik darjah

Penglibatan: 10 orang pelajar sesi pagi bagi setiap kelas                                        
                         (Tingkatan 3 hingga Tingkatan 6) dan dibantu oleh Lembaga Ketua
                         Tingkatan dan Lembaga Maintenance sekolah.

Penganjur: Pengetua dan Penolong Kanan HEM

Retirement Ceremony of Datin Tan Meng Yah


On the 9th of March 2012, Catholic High School bid farewell to Datin Tan Meng Yah, who has served with the school for 5 years. Although having been part of the CHS family for a relatively short period of time, Datin Tan’s motherly yet efficient attitude has earned her a place in the hearts of teachers and students alike. 

Beginning at 10.15 in the morning, Datin’s retirement ceremony started with speeches by Miss Leela James Dass, the representative of the schoolteachers, the PTA chairman Mr. Tommy Kok, and the school’s principal, Mr. Ong Boon Puah, all commending Datin Tan on her excellent work in the school as an educator, PTA coordinator, and teacher-advisor.  Following this was a present-giving ceremony, in which Datin Tan was showered with gifts from the school administration, school teachers and the school’s various co-curricular bodies. After this, the guest of honor herself, Datin Tan went on the podium and gave a few words for the benefit of those present. 

Following this were several performances by the Harmonica and Guitar group, the Wushu society, and the Chinese Orchestra. Besides that, the ceremony was graced by a Latin Dance and two solo performances by Catholic High’s melodious student singers. To wrap up the ceremony, Datin Tan was presented with a birthday cake, as with CHS tradition, and chauffeured out of Catholic High in a luxury car.


公教中学家教协会已于2012225日(星期六)下午2时,在本校吴酉俊修士礼堂召开公中家协常年会员大会,以遴选2012/2013新理事。新届主席由郭智强先生出任,副主席则由陈维通先生担任。当天大会也颁发奖牌及奖状给在去年初中评估考试考获优异成绩 的学生。一共有311位学生获得此奖励。

On 25 February 2012, the school held its Annual General Meeting for the Parent-Teacher Association in the Brother Philippe Wu Hall. The election of the new PTA committee for 2012/2013 session was carried out. The new PTA chairman is Mr.Tommy Kok Chee Khung and vice-chairman is Mr.Kenny Tan Jui Thong. A prize-giving ceremony for students who had excelled in the 2011 PMR examination was also held on the same day.




Penasihat                        :         En. Ong Boon Puah (J.M.W)  王文坂校长

Yang Dipertua                 :         En. Tommy Kok Chee Khung  郭智强先生

Naib Yang Dipertua          :         En. Kenny Tan Jui Thong       陈维通先生

Setiausaha                      :         Pn. Tee Pei Moy                     郑佩梅师

Penolong Setiausaha        :         Cik Wong Nyeut Fung             黄玉芬师

Bendahari                       :         Pn. Loh Sook Fong                 罗淑芳师

Penolong Bendahari         :         Pn. See Yike Chu                     薛玉珠师

AJK Ibu Bapa                  :         Pn. Sri Thong Nyok Choo         汤玉珠女士

                                               En. Michael Ng Kim Lui            黄劲为先生

                                               Pn. Tang Kat Meng                 郑洁敏女士

                                               Dr. Tan Khian Khoon               陈建群先生

                                               Cik Tong Yee Yan                    唐如茵女士

                                               En. Chu Chee Seng                 朱志成先生

AJK Guru                       :         Pn. Lee Li Lian                        李丽莲女士

                                              Pn. Lim Bee Ain                      林美瑛女士

                                              Pn. Safizah Abdul Somat

Juruaudit  ( Ibu Bapa )   :         En. Tee Kim Siew                    郑正寿先生

                 ( Guru )       :         Pn. Lau Yan Hong                   刘妍妦师

CHS Girl Guides Week Launching Ceremony


On the 20th of February 2012, CHS Girl Guides  launched the “Girl Guide Week” to celebrate the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) World Thinking Day. World Thinking Day is celebrated each year on the 22nd  of February, which is also the mutual birthday of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of the world scouting movement, and his wife, Olave Baden-Powell who served as World Chief Guide.

A booth was set up in Anjung Kasih throughout the week to exhibit information about World Thinking Day and the WTD theme this year, “we can save our planet” in line with the United Nations’ 7th Millennium Goal (MDG): ensuring environmental sustainability. The Girl Guides of CHS also collected funds for the World Thinking Day. The funds will be channelled to WAGGGS in order to help other member organisations which are in need.

This year is also the third and last year of the Centenary celebration which focuses on the theme “Share”. The three-year Centenary celebration has the theme of “Plant, Grow, Share” and aims to continue changing young girls’ and women’s lives after 100 years of the movement’s establishment.

On World Thinking Day itself which falls on 22  February 2012, the Girl Guides had a joint ceremony to celebrate the important and meaningful day. Messages from the WAGGGS World Chief Guide and the Head Commissioner of the Girl Guides Association of Malaysia were read. A Skype session with Guides at the WAGGGS World Centre located in Sangam, Pune, India was also held to share what we did throughout the week and exchange experiences in Guiding.

越野赛跑日 Cross Country  2012

211日是公中一年一度的越野赛跑日。当天,学校一片珊瑚海,挤满红,黄,蓝,青,紫的色彩。只见同学们个个神采飞扬,精神奕奕地 做热身,准备为各自队伍出一份力。大约835分,同学们分组开跑。首先是中一与中二的同学起跑,紧接着轮到中三至中五的女同学。他们必须完成5公里的路程。过后,是中三至中五的男同学。他们必须面对更艰巨的挑战,即是完成8公里的路程。当枪声一响,同学们如同万马奔腾往前方冲。

健儿们沿着加星路跑,经过LaSalleAssunta中学,住宅区,再绕到再也公园,才返回校园。尽管骄 阳似火,健儿的运动精神也没被打击。哪怕汗如雨下,公中学子凭着坚韧不拔的毅力在10时完成任务, 跑完全程。
1130分,颁奖典礼就开始了。当得奖者上前领奖时,台下的同学掌声及 欢呼呐喊声,传遍校园的每个角落,把现场热闹指数推至最顶点。最后在激昂的校歌中,越野赛跑画上完美的句点。

On the Cross Country Day, the colours blue, green, yellow, red, and purple dominated every corner of the school. Thousands of students were spotted all decked out in their respective house T-shirts, proudly displaying their school spirit, while the students on duty were bustling about, trying to get the final preparations done.

As the students assembled at the starting point, many could be seen doing last-minute warm-up, preparing for the race of their lives. On the other hand, a few dreaded the event at hand as they feared the sun’s rays. Not long after, with the ear-piercing blow of the horn, the race officially began.

Students, regardless of their extreme exhaustion, showed amazing perseverance as they strove to push themselves to the limit under the scorching sun with the hope of contributing points to their respective houses. Nevertheless, only the best of the participants managed to finish within the time limit.

After the race ended, it was time for the prize-giving ceremony. Everyone gathered at the assembly ground to witness the crowning moment of all the winners. As the prizes were given out, ear-splitting cheers and thunderous claps could be heard from the students as they showed their loving support for their respective houses.

                No matter what the outcome of the day was, the students of Catholic High School were still supportive of each other throughout the entire event. Everyone left with a smile on their faces, pleased with a good Cross Country Day.


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A wave of colours greeted me as I walked into school early in the morning on the 13th of January. Momentarily, I was shocked. Was it Wednesday? Had I forgotten to wear my uniform? But no, it was the annual school’s annual Gerko Day!

                The school was unusually busy on Gerko Day. As early as 7.30 in the morning, students had already begun preparations for their respective booths in the hall, outside the hall and in the netball court. The teachers and students on duty in the hall were treated to a first class performance by the Chinese Orchestra, Wushu Club, Fencing Club and a Chinese Drum performance as a way of celebrating the occasion.

                Soon after, students started entering the hall to pick their co curricular activities for the year. As usual, a line immediately began forming  at the Badminton Club booth as students waited eagerly to sign up for a spot in the club. Meanwhile, a tent building competition commenced at the netball court, organized by the uniform bodies.

                The activities continued till 4.30 in the evening, when all the students packed up to go home. The fabulous booth decorations and smooth flow of the activities were truly a tribute to the creativity and hard work of the students, and also the meticulous planning of the teachers.


本 校华文学会在201219日上午745分举办了一场开幕仪式。仪式的开始 是由王文坂校长上台致开幕词。接着,王校长、副校长在华文学会顾问何贵强老师的陪同下掀开金龙池的红布。在隆隆的鼓声助兴下, 映入眼帘的是2012年新春布置主题—立体 喷水金龙。大会也准备了大毛笔和金漆,恭请校长为金龙点睛,同学们都给予欢呼声。这意味着华文学会的校园新春布置、售卖年货和挥春比赛等活动正式掀开序 幕。大家也乐融融地在金龙池旁拍照留念  


Catholic High School’s ‘A Musical Journey Down Memory Lane’ Concert

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Click here for the full album in our Photo Gallery.

After months of preparation and hard work, Catholic High School was proud to launch her school concert, themed ‘A Musical Journey Down Memory Lane’ on  30  of July, 2011 in light of reviewing the rich history of the school. The concert was performed twice by our students to cater to a wide audience, once in the afternoon and once in the evening.

The concert began with an initiating performance by the school’s Lion Dance troupe, which wowed the crowd with their high-flying stunts on a common lion dance platform. After this, was the official opening ceremony; first up was a gong-ringing ceremony by two VIPs, the Chairman of Board of Directors, Dato’ Lim Hock San and our school principal, Madam Lee Kim Lai, followed by some ‘VIP-launched’ confetti and two speeches delivered by the chairman of the concert organising committee and PIBG, Mr. Lim Hong Guan as well as Madam Lee. 

As the concert got into full swing, the audience was first introduced to Jake and his family (namely his father and granddad). Portrayed by three of our students, Jake and Co. functioned as ‘conduits’ throughout the entire concert, with each family member representing a generation of Catholic High students, thus giving their own perspective of the school in their time. Jake, being the youngest member of the family, is shown as being a new student in Catholic High; although reluctant at first about enjoying his new school, a combination of both his elders’ encouragement as well as an interesting first year, as shown throughout the concert, convinces him to change his mind.            

As Grandpa started to reminisce about his past in Catholic High, the audience was treated to a ‘blast from the past’ as the school’s live band started the night with a rendition of the Beatles’ ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’, followed by a quick fast forward with their second song being ‘Rhythm of Love’ by the Plain White T’s. A solo piano routine of ‘Flight of the Bumblebee’ was then performed by a Form 1 student, Gabriel Seng Qi Wen, showcasing the school’s young talent. 

After this was Jake’s father’s turn to recount his experiences in Catholic High; a humorous pantomime about the family’s old neighbours – the Chang family where Mr. Chang was constantly beleaguered by his three daughters’ shortfalls from his expectations. Following the pantomime was another solo performance, which was solo singing and dancing by student Quinn Ho with the song ‘You Are My Rose’, having a distinct Middle Eastern theme. The school’s Chinese Orchestra, or PMO, was next, performing three distinctly Eastern songs, including the soundtrack of the series Shanghai Tan (The Bund) as well as ‘Nan Er Dang Zhi Qiang’ which was Wang Fei Hong revisited. The concert then took a 15-minute intermission. 

The concert then resumed with the journey down memory lane coming to the present, as Jake and his family ‘visited’ Catholic High to see the various societies in action. First up to continue the performances was the Harmonica and Guitar (H&G) band, firstly bringing a Spanish matador flair to the concert with ‘Espana Can’ and later transporting the audience to the high seas with ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’.  An East-West fusion of stringed instruments then followed, with the Eastern er-hu and the Western violin resounding in harmony to give a lively melodic depiction of horse-racing. After this was the brass band’s turn, with a jazzy performance of a Glenn Miller medley of songs. 

Following the music was art, no longer in sound but in movement, as the Wushu society performed Taichi routines and later, a transition from grace to power with some energetic Wushu patterns. Student Lim Yin Yin, the CHS Idol for 2008, then performed a Malay song ‘Gemilang’. After that, the 24-season drums society literally ‘rocked’ the house with the power of their drums echoing throughout the concert hall. Next an innovative performance – an eco-friendly band from the Environment Club created ‘3R music’ using recyclable materials. With paint buckets for percussion, bottles with sand for maracas, and glass bottles for xylophones, musical pieces like Shakira’s ‘Waka Waka’ and Queen’s ‘We Will Rock You’ were performed. The spirit of national unity was then portrayed with a 1Malaysia dance, and beat boxing with a storyline that brought a modern twist to the concert. 

Jake’s story then ‘merged’ with real life as the trio came and joined the concert audience. After that, a ballet dance graced the stage, followed by a magic show, an unusual event in a concert. Burlesque, the movie next came to Catholic High through a modern dance, which was then followed by a Latin dance. A rare Chinese act, Sichuan mask changing, was then showcased. 

As the performances drew to a close, the concert ended with a grand finale where the choir, in which Jake now takes part, sang ‘Amigos Para Siempre (Friendship Never Ends). Lasting for some 3 hours, ‘A Musical Journey Down Memory Lane’ thus ended at approximately  10.30 p.m.

HM’s Speech in conjunction with the launching of “The Music Concert 2011” (9 May 2011)

Download Here Our Poster & HM's Speech

Catholic High School Teacher’s Day Celebration 2011

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Friday (24th June 2011) marked this year’s celebration of Teacher’s Day for Catholic High School, with the theme being “STARS”.  Students could show their appreciation for the school teachers and staff; besides being showered with various gifts, cards and well-wishes throughout the entire day, our beloved teachers were also able to enjoy a variety of student-organised performances.  Ranging from a traditional Chinese lion dance to contemporary modern dance, plus appearances by the school’s own cheerleading team and some singing to boot, students certainly tried to make the occasion a memorable one.

Teachers had a chance to be (even more) in the limelight as they presented a special “1 Malaysia” dance.  Involving dance styles from our nation’s three major races, the dance added to the atmosphere of fun and laughter as members of the audience, both teachers and students alike, joined in to contribute their own dance steps, much to the delight of the remaining spectators.  Games were also organised, with our school teachers as participants; with this they had the chance to show their fun sides rarely seen in the classroom.

As the festivities drew to a close, teachers were treated to a sumptuous lunch by the school’s PTA (PIBG) in the school hall.  With this day of appreciation for our teachers’ efforts, the meaning of the national Teacher’s Day theme “Guru Penjana Transformasi Pendidikan Negara” (roughly translated to Teachers – A Catalyst of Change for National Education) became evident through this reminder of the important role of teachers in society. 


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Objektif "Green Energy Project" tahun 2011 adalah memberi kesedaran tentang pentingnya tenaga hijau dan memberi informasi yang selanjutnya kepada pelajar tentang tenaga hijau. Pelancaran telah dibuat pada 28 Mac 2011 dan disempurnakan oleh DATO' Lim Hock San DSSA,JP Pengerusi Lembaga Pengelola Sekolah dan juga ahli Lembaga Pengelola Sekolah dan Persatuan Ibubapa dan Guru
